Category: Uncategorized

Tuesday, February 24

I will be at a conference tomorrow, Wednesday. Janice will be here with you to do all of my classes. Have a great day!

  • Due Wednesday: Social Justice Visit and Post NUMBER 2 (speak with me if you will not have this)
  1. By February 24, you should have 2 visits and posts completed.
  2. Continue to create visits with your social justice organization.  Get them in your calendars asap!
  3. If you do  a visit, post about it asap:

Go to
Username is greencore; password is the opposite (if you don’t know what I mean, ask a classmate).
BE SURE YOU READ carefully the Blog Post/Journal Guidelines by clicking the link on the left side of the blog so you are sure that your post will be recorded properly.  You must read this in order to know what boxes must be clicked.  It might be helpful to print out to follow or open in another screen to refer back to it.

  • Due Thursday: Read the excerpt from Jonathan Kozol’s book Savage Inequalities, do the vocabulary and ONE of the written responses. DO NOT LEAVE THIS UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE–it’s a long reading.

Monday, February 22

  • Due Wednesday: Social Justice Visit and Post NUMBER 2 (speak with me if you will not have this)
  1. By February 24, you should have 2-3 visits and posts completed.
  2. Continue to create visits with your social justice organization.  Get them in your calendars asap!
  3. If you do  a visit, post about it asap:

Go to
Username is greencore; password is the opposite (if you don’t know what I mean, ask a classmate).
BE SURE YOU READ carefully the Blog Post/Journal Guidelines by clicking the link on the left side of the blog so you are sure that your post will be recorded properly.  You must read this in order to know what boxes must be clicked.  It might be helpful to print out to follow or open in another screen to refer back to it.

Friday, February 19

Great job at the first ever Middle School Olympics!

NOTE: On Monday, we are going to the Tenement Museum on the Lower East Side from 12:15-3:00.  We will have a tour and see what actually Tenement living was like.

  • Due Monday: Complete the Child Labor Packet. Read CAREFULLY for a detailed reading quiz!
  • Due Wednesday: Social Justice Visit and Post NUMBER 2 (speak with me if you will not have this)
  1. By February 24, you should have 2-3 visits and posts completed.
  2. Continue to create visits with your social justice organization.  Get them in your calendars asap!
  3. If you do  a visit, post about it asap:

Go to
Username is greencore; password is the opposite (if you don’t know what I mean, ask a classmate).
BE SURE YOU READ carefully the Blog Post/Journal Guidelines by clicking the link on the left side of the blog so you are sure that your post will be recorded properly.  You must read this in order to know what boxes must be clicked.  It might be helpful to print out to follow or open in another screen to refer back to it.

Thursday, February 18

Don’t forget to wear your Olympic colors tomorrow!

Due Tomorrow:

Complete the handout on Fast Food Nation: The Film, and read attached film review. Do all questions. Due at 8:20AM FFNationFilm&Review2

Part B: Social Justice Visit and Post NUMBER 2

  1. By February 24, you should have 2-3 visits and posts completed.
  2. Continue to create visits with your social justice organization.  Get them in your calendars asap!
  3. If you do  a visit, post about it asap:

Go to
Username is greencore; password is the opposite (if you don’t know what I mean, ask a classmate).
BE SURE YOU READ carefully the Blog Post/Journal Guidelines by clicking the link on the left side of the blog so you are sure that your post will be recorded properly.  You must read this in order to know what boxes must be clicked.  It might be helpful to print out to follow or open in another screen to refer back to it.

Friday, February 12

Great job on the ERB’s! Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy the l o n g weekend. Benno, we will catch you up on the HW when you return!

Due Wednesday:

1. Fast Food Nation: Read excerpts from the book Fast Food Nation.  If you lose the copies, you can buy or check out the book from a library.  The reading is about 17 pages, so do not leave until the last minute.  Chapter 8: Pages 169-178 and 187-190 and Chapter 9: Pages 204-205. Complete the questions. FastFoodNationBook2

2. Social Justice: Post about your second Social Justice visit or set up this visit asap!

Wednesday, February 10

HAPPY S N O W  D A Y! Hope you are cozy and enjoying it.  Thursday will be ERB’s and the Literary Festival (we hope all our workshop people can make it–at this point we are planning to have it) and then we will finish ERB’s we missed today on Friday from 1-3. There is NO NEW HOMEWORK. Perhaps catch up on your independent reading today!

NOTE: TOOLS FOR CITY SCHOOLS: Your visit with Dennis is moved until Thursday (tomorrow) at 3PM.


A/ ERB’s begin resume 8:30 AM Thursday. 1. bring at least two #2 pencils 2. bring your independent reading book 3. be on time @ 8:20 to set up the room and your space 4. REST UP 5. eat breakfast!

B/ If you didn’t finish this, please do: FIX YOUR SOCIAL JUSTICE BLOG POST

1. take down the post about last year’s postings (click your name, then edit, and then delete is a red word on the right)

2. In your first post, introduce your organization, its mission and what kind of work you are doing with them

3. Take out anything about it being boring or not engaging, and just post interesting facts and what you learned

4. Go to the Blog Post Guidelines to check that you are using the proper heading and know what you are expected to write

5. Spell check! Reread for capitalization. No kidding, make these posts EXCELLENT.

6. Your post should be in depth, and at least a healthy paragraph long at MINIMUM.

Monday, February 8

A/ ERB’s begin at 8:30 SHARP tomorrow.

  1. bring at least two #2 pencils
  2. bring your independent reading book
  3. be on time @ 8:20 to set up the room and your space
  4. REST UP
  5. eat breakfast!



  1. take down the post about last year’s postings (click your name, then edit, and then delete is a red word on the right)
  2. In your first post, introduce your organization, its mission and what kind of work you are doing with them
  3. Take out anything about it being boring or not engaging, and just post interesting facts and what you learned
  4. Go to the Blog Post Guidelines to check that you are using the proper heading and know what you are expected to write
  5. Spell check! Reread for capitalization. No kidding, make these posts EXCELLENT.
  6. Your post should be in depth, and at least a healthy paragraph long at MINIMUM.

Friday, February 5

Due Monday:

Part A: Excerpt from Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle.  (11 pages) and written response to the three questions.  The-Jungle-by-Upton-Sinclaire-3 The whole reading and the questions are posted here.

Part B: Social Justice Visit and Post

  1. By Monday, you must have had one visit and one blog post! If this will NOT happen you must see me ASAP.
  2. Continue to create visits with your social justice organization.  Get them in your calendars asap!
  3. If you do  a visit, post about it asap, using the directions here and then on the blog itself.  On the blog, the proper format for posting is under “Blog Post Guidelines”

Go to
Username is greencore; password is the opposite (if you don’t know what I mean, ask a classmate).
BE SURE YOU READ carefully the Blog Post/Journal Guidelines by clicking the link on the left side of the blog so you are sure that your post will be recorded properly.  You must read this in order to know what boxes must be clicked.  It might be helpful to print out to follow or open in another screen to refer back to it.

Thursday, February 5

Due Friday:

Part A: ERB Prep on Analogies

Part B: Social Justice Visit and Post

  1. By the end of this week (FINAL DATE), you must have had one visit with your organization! If this will NOT happen you must see me ASAP.
  2. Continue to create visits with your social justice organization.  Get them in your calendars asap!
  3. If you do  a visit, post about it asap, using the directions here and then on the blog itself.

Go to
Username is greencore; password is the opposite (if you don’t know what I mean, ask a classmate).
BE SURE YOU READ carefully the Blog Post/Journal Guidelines by clicking the link on the left side of the blog so you are sure that your post will be recorded properly.  You must read this in order to know what boxes must be clicked.  It might be helpful to print out to follow or open in another screen to refer back to it.

Due Monday:

Excerpt from Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle.  (11 pages) and written response to the three questions. The whole reading and the questions are posted here.  The Jungle by Upton Sinclaire 3

Wednesday, February 3

1. Social Justice Visit and Blog Post–You must have one visit and one post minimum by Friday. If you will not you must speak with me immediately. Be sure your post is spell checked and follows guidelines.

2. Do Language Arts ERB prep:

Lesson one, parts one and two (no part 3, writing)

Lesson Two, parts one and two (no part 3, writing)

The whole thing is pages 1-6, skipping writing.