Category: Uncategorized

Monday, April 26

Due Tuesday:


  • Bring in ALL MATERIALS that your group needs for the workshops by tomorrow.  This also means that your group’s powerpoints should be complete, saved on the server or somewhere accessible.


  • Read TKAM chapter 10 and be quiz ready!


  • Prepare to have a RED SHIRT for the Teach-In day.


  • Prepare to be at school by 8AM on Wednesday.  All eighth graders will set up their workshops in their assigned ROOMS between 8:00-8:30 AM that day.

Thursday, April 22

Due Monday:

  1. TKAM ch. 9–be quiz-ready!
  2. FDR– Read ch. 7 and SELECT ONLY 10 of the questions on the handout.  Your choice. FDRChap7
  3. Teach-In: COMPLETE ANYTHING YOU NEED TO FOR YOUR TEACH-IN WORKSHOP! If you did not hand in a REVISED proposal, you MUST do so at 8:20AM.

Due Tuesday:

  • Bring in ALL materials for your Teach-In workshop!
  • Complete anything needed for your Set-Up Group!

Due Wednesday: 2010 SOCIAL JUSTICE TEACH-IN!

  • All eighth graders wear RED and meet at school by 8:00 AM to set up and begin day!

Wednesday, April 21

Due Thursday:

  1. TKAM–read ch. 8 and be quiz-ready!
  2. Teach-In-using the feedback you got in your demonstration lesson today, do your FINAL revisions on your Workshop Proposal and turn in at 8:20AM!

Tuesday, April 20

Due Wednesday:

Teach-In: Bring in all materials for your demo lesson and your REVISED PROPOSALS.

TKAM– Read chapters 6 and 7, and be quiz-ready!  Complete the socratic seminar preparation (on handout).

Monday, April 19

  1. REVISED Social Justice Teach-In Proposal DUE at 8:20 AM. Use the format, please! One proposal per group.WorkshopProposalFormal10
  2. TKAM: Read chapters 4 & 5 and be quiz-ready. If you were asked to redo today’s quiz on ch. 2 & 3, then be ready to take a new quiz on those chapters as well. Mona

Thursday, April 14

Due Monday:

  1. Poetry: Complete the self assessment  on your poetry portfolio: PoetrySelfAssessment10
  2. TKAM: Read ch. 2 & 3 and be quiz-ready!
  3. Teach-In: Work with your team to revise your proposal so that you will have an amazing workshop. You will have time to work as a team on Monday and you will demo. your lessons on Wednesday or Thursday with an adult.

Tuesday, April 13

Due Wednesday:

  • Poetry Portfolio: Using the revision technique from today’s Writer’s Workshop revise your 5 best poems to include vivid and precise words. Type up the poems onto one or two sheets of paper, title them and include your name. Here is the criteria for good poetry:PoetryPortfolio

The poems we wrote are the following.  You may also include one, new, original poem as one of the five, if you wish:

Theme B, Love that _____, So Much Depends Upon, Poem Apologizing for Something You are Secretly Glad you Did, 3 Odes to Everyday Objects, Garbage Poem, Diamond in the Rough Poem, Unbeautiful Poem, 3 Snapshot Poems, 3 Found/Street Poems, Spring Break Poem, Poem Composed of Classmates’ Personal Narrative Lines.

Due Thursday: Complete To Kill a Mockingbird, ch. 1 and the handout, in note form. TKAMChap1Revised

Monday, April 12

Note: On Tuesday from 1:15-2:00 you will have a chance to work on your Social Justice Workshop Proposals as a whole grade. Otherwise, you must complete on your own time!

Due Tuesday: FDR ch. 6 questions. FDRChap6

Due Wednesday:

  • Poetry Portfolio: Using the revision technique from today’s Writer’s Workshop revise your 5 best poems to include vivid and precise words. Type up the poems onto one or two sheets of paper, title them and include your name. Here is the criteria for good poetry: poetryrecitationrubric3

The poems we wrote are the following.  You may also include one, new, original poem as one of the five, if you wish:

Theme B, Love that _____, So Much Depends Upon, Poem Apologizing for Something You are Secretly Glad you Did, 3 Odes to Everyday Objects, Garbage Poem, Diamond in the Rough Poem, Unbeautiful Poem, 3 Snapshot Poems, 3 Found/Street Poems, Spring Break Poem, Poem Composed of Classmates’ Personal Narrative Lines.

Thursday, April 8

Please bring in your Dance Permission Slip and $7.00 if you want to go to the dance! It’s from 7-9 at Friends. I will see you there!

Have a great Friday! I will be out working on your reports.  Be great with whomever is your sub, please! If you are absent, here are the video clips and questions we will do in class, and you should do at home to catch up. VideoLaunchWWI-GD

Due Friday:

  • SOCIAL JUSTICE PROJECT: Your 5th and final visit, along with 5 blog posts!

Due Monday:

  • Poetry memorization if you did not go already
  • FDR ch. 5 and handout FDRChap5 and read (only read) ch. 6.


Due Wednesday, April 14:

  • Poetry Portfolio: Using the revision technique from today’s Writer’s Workshop revise your 5 best poems to include vivid and precise words. Type up the poems onto one or two sheets of paper, title them and include your name. Here is the criteria for good poetry: PoetryPortfolio

The poems we wrote are the following.  You may also include one, new, original poem as one of the five, if you wish:

Theme B, Love that _____, So Much Depends Upon, Poem Apologizing for Something You are Secretly Glad you Did, 3 Odes to Everyday Objects, Garbage Poem, Diamond in the Rough Poem, Unbeautiful Poem, 3 Snapshot Poems, 3 Found/Street Poems, Spring Break Poem, Poem Composed of Classmates’ Personal Narrative Lines.

Wednesday, April 7

1. FDR: Read ch. 3 and be quiz ready on chapters 1-3.

2. Poetry Memorization: Memorize 10-15 lines of poetry that you love. This will be performed in front of the class EITHER THURSDAY, April 8 OR MONDAY, April 12. You may select the day you go on. Remember to work on emphasis, eye contact, and practice in front of another person/people or the mirror! Also, you must understand the MEANING of your poem.  Here is the rubric for the recitation grade: poetryrecitationrubric


  • SOCIAL JUSTICE PROJECT: Your 5th and final visit is due this Friday, along with 5 blog posts! Be SURE you have 4 posts and have arranged your next visit if you did not already.  Speak with me asap if you must extend the deadline past Friday.
  • Due Wednesday, April 14: Poetry Portfolio: Using the revision technique from today’s Writer’s Workshop revise your 5 best poems to include vivid and precise words. Type up the poems onto one or two sheets of paper, title them and include your name. Here is the criteria for good poetry: PoetryPortfolio

The poems we wrote are the following.  You may also include one, new, original poem as one of the five, if you wish:

Theme B, Love that _____, So Much Depends Upon, Poem Apologizing for Something You are Secretly Glad you Did, 3 Odes to Everyday Objects, Garbage Poem, Diamond in the Rough Poem, Unbeautiful Poem, 3 Snapshot Poems, 3 Found/Street Poems, Spring Break Poem, Poem Composed of Classmates’ Personal Narrative Lines.