Category: Uncategorized

Tuesday, May 18

Today, you will write a Thank You note to your organization (s) for your Social Justice Project work.  The proper business format is shown below in and things you might want to write are shown in the ThankYouTemplate.  You may choose to also hand write your note, which is considered a more personal thank you.  I have paper for this.  If you type, you will print it out, sign and mail. Thank-you2010-SJproject

Monday, May 17

Great to see most of you today! Glad you enjoyed the trip! :)

If you were absent, please complete the following reflection on the DC/Gettysburg TripTripReflection10

** Today in class, we discussed ALL of the following questions on TKAM. TKAM22-25

Due Wednesday: Finish TKAM (chapters 26-31, approx. 40 pages) and be quiz-ready.

Monday, May 10

HAVE THE BEST TRIP! I am so sorry not to be joining you. I will be so eager to hear your news and know you will have a great time.

  • Remember, if you don’t eat fast food or are vegetarian, bring your own lunch. Remember to meet at school at 7:45 AM tomorrow morning!  Check the weather, and pack accordingly. The packing list is posted last week as part of “DC parent letter.”
  • If you can read on buses without getting car sick, bring your TKAM book and get next weekend’s HW done en route to Gettysburg/DC!

REMINDER: Literary Magazine Coffee House is Saturday, May 15 at 7PM at the high school. Always a GREAT night! If you are reading aloud, be sure to be ON TIME. If you are coming out to listen and enjoy, you are in for a treat. Parents are invited too!

Due Monday, May 17: Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 21-25 (this includes chapter 25), about 34 pages. Be quiz-ready!

Friday, May 7


Homework for Monday:

  1. TKAM: Chapters 18-21 and be quiz-ready.
  2. WWII: Finish Hakim chapters 25 & 26 with handout.

For Tuesday:  Gettysburg/DC trip! Be at school by 7:45 AM! Remember, if you are not a fast food eater or are vegeterian, please do pack a lunch for the trip down, as lunch is to be purchased at a rest stop en route. The packing list and itinerary are posted as part of the DC Parent Letter: click here. DC Parent Letter10

LREI’s Gettysburg/DC 2010 Room Assignments

Boys’ Rooms (20 total)

Will Balsam                               Ivo Ilíc                             Niles Ellis

Julian Gerson                          Benno Batali                    Lenny Weissman

Jason Boehm                          Adam Hatsav                   Josh Cawthon

Max Fried                                Chase Squier                    Josh Wilson


Matan Hatsav                          Noel Diggs

Bryce Council                       Harry Davidson

Ben Ross                                Nathaniel Magliore

Jasper Stallings                     Logan Papp

Girls’ Rooms (18 total)

Parker Burbridge                      Miral Rivalta                              Phoebe Thomases

Violet Moore                              Kyla DeSouza                             Taliana Katz

Samantha Maison                     Olivia Mendoza                          Ruby Geiger

Naomi Jabouin                         Alma Bremond


Catherine Cames                       Ruby Thompson

Danica Rodriguez                     Katharine Mehta

Cheyenne Tobias                      Nora Wilby

Viviane Eng


Margaret Andrews

Michelle Boehm

Momii Roberts

Dave Edson

Wednesday, May 5

!Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

DC Permission Slips Needed: Catherine, Cheyenne, Adam, Nathaniel, Josh C, Niles, Taliana, Parker–please have your parents fill it out and bring it in tomorrow! Here is the parent letter, itinerary, and permission form.  DC Parent Letter10

Due tomorrow:

  1. Complete your reflective writing about Middle School or Eighth Grade. About 20-30 min. of work using either page of this assignment that you find helpful. What you write will be used to compose an eighth grade poem for our Moving Up ceremony.   MovingUpPrep
  2. Be SURE you are caught up in TKAM, and have finished chapter 17.

Friday, April 30

NOTE: On Wednesday, May 5, there is a meeting for your parents about the Gettysburg/DC trip at 8:00AM in Momii’s room!

NOTE #2:

  • If your 5 Social Justice Blog Posts are filled with errors and typos, your grade will be negatively affected. This is your chance to fix them!
  • If you have not completed the 5 posts or if you completed them late, your grade is already going to go down.  In order to avoid severe damage to your average YOU MUST post all 5 posts by Monday, May 3rd. NO exceptions.

Due Monday:

  • Teach-In: Your 6th and final blog post using the guidelines under Pages entitled “Social Justice Teach-In Reflection” when you go to the site’s main page (you may have to click [visit site] button if you logged in using wp-admin).
  • FDR ch. 8 with timeline handout. The reading is about 12 pages but the capturing of events may take you awhile. We will go over this together, so do the best you can. FDRChap8Part1

Thursday, April 29

NOTE: On Wednesday, May 5, there is a meeting for your parents about the Gettysburg/DC trip at 8:00AM in Momii’s room!

If you were absent, we completed this sheet on TKAM ch. 11 in class today: TKAM11

Due Friday: Read TKAM chapters 12 and 13, and be quiz-ready!

Due Monday:

  • Teach-In: Your 6th and final blog post using the guidelines under Pages entitled “Social Justice Teach-In Reflection” when you go to the site’s main page (you may have to click [visit site] button if you logged in using wp-admin).
  • FDR ch. 8 with timeline handout. The reading is about 12 pages but the capturing of events may take you awhile. We will go over this together, so do the best you can. FDRChap8Part1

Wednesday, April 28



Due Tomorrow-Read TKAM ch. 11 and be quiz-ready!