Category: Uncategorized

Wednesday, September 8

Great job on your first full day of school today!

Reminders: No school on Thursday 9/9 for Rosh Hashanah.  Happy New Year, if you are celebrating! We do have school on Friday.

Due Friday 9/10:

1. Complete the 8th Grade Information Sheet (click  link for a copy if you lost yours)

2. Select one of the classic books you read this summer about which to write a book talk (but don’t write anything!)

Due Monday 9/13:

1. Warriors Don’t Cry summer writing assignment

2. Bring a copy of the classic you selected for book talk

Tuesday, September 7

Welcome back! Eighth Grade is going to be a great year.

Due Wednesday:

1. Bring in Warriors Don’t Cry book

2. Bring in an independent reading book

3. Bring in any questions about summer assignment

4. Write letter to Sarah and Bobby introducing yourself. 

Must be at least one page long.

-May be typed or handwritten.

-Use proper letter format.


Due Monday, September 13: Warriors Don’t Cry summer writing assignment

Wednesday, June 9

Due Tomorrow:

  1. Choosing To Participate Memorial Stamp Assignment, with written explanation.
  2. Speech Makers: revised speech to Momii in AM for review.

***Friday at 6PM is the Eighth Grade Party at the PAC on Charlton Street.  For those of you who are speaking, you will practice with Momii on Thursday and Friday.  If you DO NOT know when you will be speaking, please see me ASAP tomorrow morning.

***Note: Friday is the High School graduation and everyone is expected to dress nicely.  Button up shirts, skirts, would be in order. :-)

** Note: On Monday we will practice the Moving Up Ceremony and then head to the beach.  The weather is predicted to be sunny with a chance of rain.  Please pack appropriately for the weather and for what may come.

Monday, June 4

Due Tuesday:

Handwrite a letter to Francis Irwin thanking her for coming to visit today.  Your letter should not have any typos, crossed out sections, but be in completed and ready to send.  Have someone at home read this before you turn it in.  You may tell her what you remember about her talk, tell her about yourself, etc.  Make it interesting and sincere.

Due Thursday:

Memorial Stamp Assignment.

Friday, June 4

Due Monday:

  • In preparation for our visit from Ms. Francis Irwin this Monday (1.30-3PM), read some of the story about her life and experience during the Holocaust.
  • Frances_Irwin_Intro
  • Frances_Irwinchap1
  • As you read, underline important sections and events.
  • Write up to two questions (can be written on the packet in the margins) that you would like to ask Ms. Irwin when she visits us.

Due Thursday:

  • “Choosing to Participate” Memorial Stamp Assignment.  We will review this assignment in class on Monday. StampAssign10-1

Thursday, June 3

Due Friday:

  • Finish reading Night.
  • Complete 5 questions on the handout Night4

Due Monday!

Read bio on Mrs. Francis Irwin who will be visiting the Eighth Grade on 6/7 from 130-300 PM.  This is a VERY special opportunity and it is a great way to end our reading of Night.

Thursday, May 27

Tomorrow is Field Day! Bring your lunch and a drink again! Wear sneakers, sunblock, hats, etc. We get out of school at 1PM and there is no school on Monday, May 31. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

Due Tuesday, June 1st- Note: this day will run on a Friday schedule.

  1. Complete the assignment on Night, Section One (started in class) Night1
  2. Complete the reading and assignment for Night, Section Two Night2

Due Wednesday, June 2nd–Moving Up Speech! Guidelines: MovingUpSpeechPrompts. You will have other core HW due this day so do get a head start on this assignment!

O N G O I N G and Reflections for Dance and Drama

Due Tuesday, June 1st-Photos for Moving Up Video. Note: This Tuesday will run on a Friday schedule.

Dance Minors- Reflections due Tuesday, June 1 to see what you are to write, and then email your reflection to

Drama Major and Minor Reflections due Tuesday, June 1 for Drama Major and Minors– Under Pages on left side bar, go to Classes and Click for Major or Minor to see what you are to write about and email your written reflection to by Tuesday, June 1st.

Wednesday, May 26

Reminder for Tomorrow: Bring a bag lunch and a drink to school! At 11:00, we will go to the studio of Ruby Thompson’s father for our black and white end-of-the-year class photo! We will eat at the Highline after the photo, or if it’s raining, we will eat in the studio. We will be back at school at 12:45.

Reminders for Friday:

  • If you want to sing a song at Moving Up or play a musical solo at Moving Up, please speak to Matt McLean by this day.
  • Friday is Field Day! Wear sneakers, sunblock, hats, etc, and bring your lunch and a drink again! We get out of school at 1PM and there is no school on Monday, May 31. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

Due tomorrow at 8:30 AM: Read the Preface to the New Translation of Night by Elie Wiesel. I highly recommend you also read the Foreward, which tells the extraordinary story of how the book originally came into print by “chance.”


Due Tuesday, June 1st-Photos for Moving Up Video. Note: This Tuesday will run on a Friday schedule.

Due Wednesday, June 2nd–Moving Up Speech! Guidelines: MovingUpSpeechPrompts. You will have other core HW due this day so do get a head start on this assignment!

Friday, May 21

There are 15 school days left until Moving Up! If you are thinking of presenting a video, a song, or anything else, speak to one of us asap and get started.

Due Monday: TKAM Film Response and Readings TKAMFilmResponse2

Due Tuesday: Final TKAM project.  You will have some time on Monday to work on this.  TKAMFINAL2010REV


REMINDER: On Thursday, May 27 we will take our class photo.  We will leave at 11 and return by 12:45.  Please be sure to be IN SCHOOL and bring a bag lunch for our outing to the studio.
Due Wednesday, June 2nd–Moving Up Speech! Guidelines: MovingUpSpeechPrompts