Category: Uncategorized

Thursday, September 23

Due on Friday:

1. Finish your curriculum letters first draft (if you did not already) and give the draft to you advisor by 8:20AM! The guidelines are here: Curriculum Night Letter Directions

2. Spend 20-30 minutes creating a brainstorm /sketch for your Civil Rights-Human Rights Action Art project.  Be sure you have selected the human/civil right that you want your project to address. You may come in tomorrow with multiple ideas and we can help you to narrow them down. ActionArt-1

3. Book Talks: Georgia, Eli, Nicholas, Mikayla, and Sage (in that order).  :)

Wednesday, September 22


1. Using your checklist and teacher comments, revise your “Theme B” poems.  Bring in final draft and draft with teacher’s writing on it.

Theme B Checklist

2. Book Talks on Thursday: PaQuan, Jaron, Georgia, Mei-An, Lizzy, Eli

Tuesday, September 21


Photo day is Wednesday (tomorrow).  We are first at 8:30!  Don’t be absent for our group shot, please! :)


1. With an adult, read the article from The New York Times, “The Closing of the American Book”. Look up vocabulary and define it: Atrophy, Metaphor, Peril, Happenstance, Repression, Absolutism, Denigration, Endeavor, Mandate.

Go on to discuss the article with the adult and have them sign that you did so. Here is the article:  The-Closing-of-the-American-Book

2. Read independently for 20 minutes.

3. Book Talks for Wednesday: Asha, Katya, Charlotte, Odelia, Lola, Marcelo

Monday, September 20


Photo day is Wednesday, Sept 22

Today in class we did the following:

If you were absent or want to follow-up please follow the link to the handout below.



1. Civil Rights/Human Rights Brainstorm worksheet- Answer only questions 1-4


2. Prepare for Book Talks.  The following people are presenting on Tuesday 9/21: Gideon, Roger, Jerel, Will, Jayson

Friday, September 17

Due Monday:

1. Final Book Talk!  Be sure you have practiced.  The rubric is loaded on Wednesday’s blog post.

2. Handout on the film “Simple Justice”.  PostSimple JusticeRevised


On Wednesday, September 22 we have school photos!

Wednesday, September 15

Reminders: Student Rep Election is Friday at High Noon! Prepare your speech, if you are running.

Due Thursday:

“Eyes on Prize” handout.  Be sure to put the terms in your own words and complete the questions on the back, thoughtfully.  Eyes10

Due Friday:

Book talk rough draft due.  Here is rubric: BookTalkRubricREV

Tuesday, September 14

Reminders: Student Rep election this Friday at HIGH NOON! Prepare your speech if you are planning on running!

JEREL: Bring in your glasses, TOMORROW! Can’t wait to see them.

GEORGIA: Get your Trip Cards filled in, please!

For Wednesday: Review book talk rubric and bring in any questions.

For Friday: Rough draft of book talk due

For Monday: Final book talk due!

Monday, September 13

For Tuesday 9/14:

1. Completely revise your “Theme B” poem using the techniques we practiced in class. You must turn in your rough draft and and staple them together.

2. The following students MUST fill out and bring their trip cards by 8:20 AM: Mei-An (only the back needs filling), Sage, Mikalya, PaQuan, Jaron, Odelia, Georgia, Gideon, Jayson, Nicholas

3. The following students MUST get CORE expectations signed and turned in: Jayson, Eli, and Nicholas (if you spoke with Sarah, Wednesday will be fine for this)

Friday, September 10

Due Monday:

1. Bring in the classic you read this summer and have selected for a book talk (but don’t write anything yet)

2. Bring in your completed Warriors Don’t Cry writing

3. Bring in a signed copy of your Core Expectations (signed certifying that you and one of your parents/guardians has read it). Click here for a new copy if you left yours at school: CoreExpectations10-11

4. Write your own “Theme For English B” based on Langston Hughes’s poem that we worked on today in class. It must be at least 15 lines long and give a sense of who you are.  You may lift from his work or not, as you choose. Here is the original poem for your reference. Theme for English B Text


Due Friday, September 17: If you want to run for eighth grade student representative, write your speech and practice it for this day! You will deliver it at noon.