Category: Uncategorized

Thursday, October 28


Due Friday 10-29:

1. Civil War letter #1 due. Have them printed out for homeroom so we can exchange them.


*Make sure you know who your letter writing partner is.


2. CORE reflection.  Make sure it is read and edited by Bobby before you place it in your rainbow folder.


Due Monday 10-30:

1. Read Lincoln chapter 4 and complete vocabulary and question worksheet (ONLY questions 1-5).


Wednesday, October 27


1. Continue reading the first section of your Civil War Independent book.  Your first letter is due on Friday. The letter writing assignment, format and grading rubric are all on the blog in previous posts, please refer to these as you write.  You will also have class time tomorrow (and when you complete your Core Reflection) to finish reading and work on writing your letter.  Use this time wisely.

*IMPORTANT* Some pairs have changed due to new book selections. Here are the final, final book partner changes. Thank you for being flexible.  All other people have their original partner:



  • Writers’ Workshop weekly assignment: Pay attention to the conversations you overhear this week on the subway, in the coffee shop, at dinner, etc.  Pay attention to natural speech patterns.  Record a 10-15 minute  short conversation that you overhear (preferably conversations not in school) and bring them in next Wednesday in preparation for our writer’s workshop on dialogue.

Monday, October 25

Homework: Due Tue 10-26

1. Finish chapter 4 TBAS pp. 96-116

2. list 2 additional types of resistance from 2nd half of chapter on the back of your resistance worksheet.  This should be done the same way as the first part of the chapter (with page number and explanation)


  • ‘Thin Cities’ assignment is due Wed. 10-27 in writing workshop
  • Civil War book reading part one complete by Wed. 10-27 (Thu. at the latest)
  • Civil War letter #1 and reflection #1 are due Fri. 10-29 (check your partner pairs below)

REVCivil War Letter Pairs2010

Tuesday, October 19


For Mon. Oct 25

1. Civil War Book due!

2. Read TBAS ch. 4 (pp. 76-bottom of 95) and complete worksheet on resistance

TBAS Ch4 graphic org-1

3. Read Lincoln ch. 3 and complete vocabulary/question worksheet

Lincoln3vocab&questions 2


Due Wed. Oct 27- ‘Thin Cities’ assignment.  In one to two paragraphs create and name your own city based on what you started in class from writing workshop on 10-13.

Monday, October 18

Due Tuesday 10-19:

1) Read Chapter 3 in TBAS.

2)Find TWO passages/examples/quotes from TBAS that connect to Michelle Obama’s story (indirect or direct connections).  Write down your thinking on the sheet attached.  Try to respond in 4-5 sentences for each passage.  Chapter3TBAS-hw

Here is the link to the Michelle Obama article on NyTimes website:


1. Civil War Independent War Book is due on October 25th.

2. Minimester begins on Wednesday, October 20th.  Check with Bobby if you forget!

Friday, October 15


Due Monday 10-18-

1. Read Chapter 1 and 2 in Freedman’s Lincoln (Be quiz ready!)  Quiz will have short answers about the events in Lincoln’s early life.

2. Revise Action Art statements (have them printed out for Monday)

3. Choose/order/buy Civil War Book.


Reminder: Minimester begins on Wednesday, October 20 – Friday, October 22.  You will report to the high school on those days and will be dismissed from your minimester class.

Thursday, October 14


1. Final draft of Family Interview is due with peer editing and 1st draft attached.

2. KWL chart- fill out 2 sections (only what you know and want to know).  You do not need to fill in what you will learn.  Divide your paper into three sections/columns and label ‘what you know’, ‘want to know’, ‘will learn’ at the of each column.


Mini-mester is October 20-22.  Get excited!

Wednesday, October 13


Due Thu. 10-14: Read chapter 2 in TBAS.  Be ready for a quiz!!

Due Fri. 10-15: 1. Final draft of Family Interview due.  Attach rough draft and peer editor checklist worksheet with final draft.

2. KWL(what you know, what you want to know, and what you want to learn) brainstorm on Civil War


Writing Workshop Assignment #2 due Wed. 10-27: Finish your ‘Thin Cities’ assignment.

Tuesday, October 12


Due Wed. 10-13: Writer’s workshop assignment.  Write for 20-30 minutes and describe your surroundings (ie. subway/bus,on a bench, in your room).  Think of the colors, shapes, emotions, and smells.  You may begin with a list associated with the space you choose and then use that to enhance/aid your writing.

Due Thu. 10-14: Read chapter 2 in TBAS.  Be ready for a quiz!!

Due Fri. 10-15: Final draft of Family Interview due.  Attach rough draft and peer editor checklist worksheet with final draft.