Tuesday, May 26
Today in class we launched our study of the book Night, by Elie Wiesel. If you were absent, you must complete the introduction we did, using this handout to guide you. Read the background, answer the questions, click the maps and watch the 5 minute video. Go on to read the preface to the new translation. You must do all of this so that you are prepared for the first reading. Then, I highly recommend you buy the text at any bookstore so you can complete the reading and homework, assigned below.
Due Wednesday: Night, Session One Assignment: there are typos in this version, and the blog will NOT let me repost the corrected version. I am sorry!
1/Read vocabulary definitions on the handout to support you in the first section of the reading.
2/If your class did not finish the preface in class, begin by completing it. You may not skip it.
3/I highly recommend that you read the foreword.
4/ Read pages 3-22, and complete the questions on the handout.