19 October 2007

Due Monday:

1. Your completely revised, proof read and amazing TBAS final draft!

When you turn it in, be sure to include your first draft, your letter to me, your peer editing sheet, and my comments in a pack.

2. PLEASE bring in your REVISED and final copy of the “Theme for English B” poem–Emma,  Jimmy, Deion, Talia and Aaron. (David, please remind Jimmy).
3. Read your Civil War Independent Book!

4. Have a fabulouso weekend!

Looking Ahead:

1. Read 2/5 of Civil War book by Wed, 10/24!

2. 2nd Civil War letter due Thurs, 10/25–this one includes a response to your partner’s letter at its start–YOU COULD WRITE THIS PORTION NOW.

3. Vocab Quiz on Thurs, 10/25.

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