Monday, November 10
Great to see you all! I missed you!
**Your Civil War letter #3 deadline is extended until Wednesday. So, tonight, you should:
a. If needed, fix your Civil War letters #1 and #2. At minimum, add in the requirements of “Two things I learned about the Civil War or the Civil War time period…” and questions to your partner to push his/her thinking deeper about his/her book. Also, use the heading that is outlined in the packet!
b. If needed, add sentences and/or parts of speech to Lincoln chapter 3 vocabulary list. Make SURE that your sentence demonstrates the word’s meaning (this is another step beyond using it properly).
c. Due Tuesday: the vocabulary and sentences below that are from Lincoln ch 4 (you do not need to read the chapter–just do the vocabulary and sentences).
d. Due Wednesday:
1. Civil War letter #3 (book should be halfway read by then! )
2. Writer’s notebook assignment about your photo.
Lincoln: A Photobiography
Chapter 4: Half Slave and Half Free
Directions: Look up the following words, define them and give their part of speech. Then go on to use each word in a sentence of your own making that shows you understand the word’s meaning. We’ll talk more about how to do this in class.
Please note:
You must use the word’s definition that MATCHES its use in the book! (That’s why the page numbers are included). You may work with a partner on this, but you must make up your own sentences. For the quiz, you will be asked to know:
a. part of speech
b. definitions
c. how to make a sentence that demonstrates the word’s meaning.
Chapter 4
1. Sprawling (45)
2. Abolitionist (46)
3. Popular sovereignty (50)
4. Rigged (52)
5. Floundered (55)
6. Modestly (57)
7. Race-baiting (59)
8. Enumerated (60)
9. Degradation (65)
10. Seceded (65)
11. Inauguration (65)
12. Sovereign (65)