Friday, March 7

1. Complete your Muckraker Poster, due Monday morning at 8:20am for a test grade. Use the handout’s checklist to be sure that you haven’t forgotten any part of the poster. You will present the poster to the class during Core All.

2. Read Chapters 2 and 3 of To Kill a Mockingbird (pages 15-32). Be quiz-ready!

o n g o i n g h o m e w o r k

1. Review the Poetry Reading and Memorization Assignment and choose which collection of poetry you want to read over the next five weeks. Remember, the poem you memorize does not have to be from the poetry collection you read. You must have a personal copy of the poetry collection in hand by next Wednesday, March 12th, so don’t delay!  If you choose one that is not on our list, you must get it approved by your Core teacher.

2. Keep up the sustainability projects and posts! See me if you are stuck. You must have at least five journal posts (with the connected log posts) before the Day of Learning on April 30th.

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