Wed, December 19, 2007

Due Thursday, December 20

1. Create your final draft of your personal narrative for Thursday’s Publishing Party. There is a very specific way to format these: use “Georgia” font, 11 or 12 point, 1.5 or double spaced, .8” or 1” margins all around, 3 pages maximum unless you have gotten permission from me for it to be longer. The heading should include the Title and the Author’s Name and NOTHING ELSE (not even “by” the author).

2. Bring in your winter independent reading books for a homework check.

3. Bring in a homemade gift for your secret gift exchange partner, marked with a TO but not with a FROM, and leave it on my desk Thursday morning. (For Friday the max is $5!)

4. Bring the items you selected for the Publishing Party, enough for about ten people.

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