28 November

Due Thursday, November 29

1. Montana Journal Entry#3–parts 1 and 2 for tomorrow (only do reading and writing portion). Assignment is pasted below stars.

2. Writer’s Notebook–10 Min Write: Using the map you sketched of your room, your apt, or your neighborhood, write for 10 min in your writer’s nbook about a memory of something on your map.

3. Old Work Due: Reconstruction Film: Parts 1&2 responses typed up and part 3, note form. Get it in!!

Looking Ahead:

Due Friday–Vocab definitions, parts of speech, and sentences for Montana Journal Entry #3 words.  Typed!

Vocab quiz Monday on Montana Words 1-20. You must know parts of speech, definitions and be able to use the word in a sentence that shows the word’s meaning.

Name ______________
Montana 1948 by Larry Watson
Journal Entry #3, Pages 31-49

*Save all of these assignment sheets in the language arts folder in your binder.

*Do not read ahead in the book, as it will be a chore to backtrack in order to do journal entries.

*If you do read ahead against our wishes, then DO NOT reveal anything beyond what we have read to ANYONE. This is a book based on the slow and careful unraveling of a mystery; you must not ruin the discovery process for your classmates.

Part I: Reading

Read pages 31-49. Be quiz-ready! This means that you are familiar with all the characters, their physical characteristics, their beliefs, and their relationships with one another, as well as the book’s plotline. You will need to know DETAILS, so you must not SKIM the reading.

Part II: Writing on Character

a. Much has already been revealed about the characters of David (the narrator), Gail (the mother), and Wes (the father). Use 2-3 sentences to describe each of these characters’ personalities, using details from the book.

b. In this section of the reading (on pages 44-49), all three of these characters hear about the allegations against Uncle Frank. Go back to these pages and record how each reacts to the information. Use at least one example from the text, including the page number, to show what you mean (that means at least one full sentence per character). State what you think each of these reactions reveal about each of these three characters and explain your thinking (at least 2 sentences per character).

Part III: Vocabulary

Define the word, identify its part of speech, and use it in a meaningful sentence.

YOU SHOULD USE THE DEFINITION OF THE WORD IN THE DICTIONARY THAT MATCHES ITS USAGE IN THE BOOK. Thus, while you are working you should have your Montana 1948 open to the page number indicated in parentheses so that you can check yourself.

1. bigot (34)
2. medicine man (34)
3. prosaic (36)
4. squaw (42)
5. comportment (44)
6. affectation (44)
7. indecent (45)
8. liberties (45)
9. lurid (49)
10. affable (49)

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