Category Archives: Domains

Art for Art’s Sake & The Work of Obligation

My Self-Study plan and goals were firmly entrenched in pushing myself to find the time, strength, intellectual curiosity and courage to produce – in my initial post I bolded and all-capsed for emphasis – A LOT of work. The plan was to work fearlessly and without concern for quality. Not only would I produce a bunch of work, but I would also share the results. The work would be without a specific purpose other than “art for art’s sake”. Finally, I swore to experiment with oil paint – a medium all around me that I have barely ever used.

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In the Pit: On Writing and Revision

The goal of my self study is to refocus my creative practice by completing work on two screenplay rewrites and to start production on a personal documentary film. While the rewrites have been going well, I won’t be able to do any work on the documentary due to unforeseen travel restrictions. 

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Affirming Perspective /Challenging Stereotypes: Decentering whiteness in 9th grade history

Essential Questions:

  • How do we teach students to see historical events through multiple perspectives?
  • How does changing the “voice” of the class materials challenge stereotypes about non-Western civilizations and cultures?
  • How do we teach students to value the achievements of civilizations that are not their (or our) own or that have traditionally been seen through a deficit lens?
  • How can highlighting examples of interactions between oppressed and dominant groups throughout history reveal injustices that affect our students’ lives?

Continue reading Affirming Perspective /Challenging Stereotypes: Decentering whiteness in 9th grade history

Many Scales make a Rainbow Fish: Exploring Self and Community in the Fours

Essential Questions:

  • How do we grow our understanding of ourselves within a community?
  • How do we develop our own identities while also learning about others’ identities?
  • How do we use the concept of community to notice and celebrate both similarities and differences?
  • How do we use the concept of community to foster a culture of social justice in terms of vision and action?

Continue reading Many Scales make a Rainbow Fish: Exploring Self and Community in the Fours

What’s in a name? Looking Deeper into Morning Meeting in the Lower School.

Essential questions:

  • How does morning meeting develop identity on a daily basis? How can this practice be deepened? 
  • How can morning meeting develop capacity for anti-bias work?

Guiding Questions:

  • Where do our names come from? 
  • Why are they so important?

Continue reading What’s in a name? Looking Deeper into Morning Meeting in the Lower School.

Parenting for Affirmation and Collective Action

Essential Questions:

  • Identity: How do parents affirm children who have received an identity related microaggression? / How do parents help support children who deliver an identity related microaggression?
  • Action: What is a decision parents can help children make to build resilience from, and/or practice personal or collective action after an identity related microaggression has taken place?

Continue reading Parenting for Affirmation and Collective Action

We Are the Same, We Are Different: Racial Literacy in Early Childhood Classroom

Essential Questions: 

  • How do discussions about sameness build a sense of shared community?
  • How do we explore the ways we are different from people around us?
  • What are ways that people are treated unfairly?
  • What can I do to make things more fair for myself and others? 

Continue reading We Are the Same, We Are Different: Racial Literacy in Early Childhood Classroom