Miss Irwin Replies

In my last note, on the eve of Spring Break, on the occasion of our Founders Day celebration, I shared a letter that I wrote to Elisabeth Irwin. I had hoped to have a response in time for this week’s push page, but it was not to happen. I would, however, like to share a letter that was written by “Elisabeth Irwin” a number of years ago and shared with the community by a former LREI parent. More about her below. First, the letter.  

This letter was written by Alice Cowan-Krause, mom of Ally and Sarah, and wife of Sally, and read at the opening of a “Visibility: Lesbian and Gay People We Love” photo exhibit a number of years ago. Alice passed away over the break, after a long illness, and I send condolences to her family on behalf of the entire LREI community. Alice was a force of nature, in the best possible way. She instigated LREI’s efforts to make the school increasingly welcoming to LGBTQ families, students, and faculty. Alice created LREI’s first GSA, arranged our first (and then many more) family photo exhibits, inspired the lower school families assembly, and organized our first participation in the Gay Pride March. She modeled the passion, conviction, and indefatigable energy common to those who lead change. Without Alice, and those she brought with her, LREI would not be as active in this struggle for equal rights as we are. For this, we will always be grateful. We are also grateful for Alice being such an effective model of what it means to lead, to inspire, and to persevere.   

So many of us learned so much from Alice. We, as an institution felt pushed, in a good way. I always benefited from our interactions, always grew, and we always parted as colleagues. She had a true gift. I will always find inspiration and admiration in my memories of her.

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