Welcome back!

LREI Parents,

A few news items and reminders from LREI on this sunny September afternoon.

1) Thank you to all who joined us for our Welcome Back Reception on Monday evening.  What a nice event.  It was truly a pleasure to welcome you back to LREI and to celebrate our accomplishments of the past few years—enlarging the high school building, renovating many lower and middle school spaces, raising the money to do all of this, enrolling three full divisions, expanding our program and then, creating a new strategic plan to carry us into the future. We set significant goals, made a plan and achieved them—much as we ask your children to do.  We are so grateful for your participation in, and commitment to, the LREI community.

2) Next time you are in the Sixth Avenue building, I encourage you to take a look at the new lower school science lab, adjacent to the nurse’s office.  We are thrilled to have this dedicated science space that will enable longer-term projects and increased opportunities for scientific exploration.  You might also poke your head in Beth’s fours room on the third floor to see the changes there.  While we all loved the old floor, after who-knows-how-long it was time for it to be replaced, which we did.  During this project we moved the beloved sand table, which held not only hundreds of pounds of sand but also 50+ years of student experience.  In doing this, the table fell apart.  At first I was a bit saddened by this, but then I realized that a new sand table created an opening for both sand and many years of worth of the students’ joy.

3) From Chap, Director of Diversity and Community—“Thank you new families for attending last week’s LREI 101: An Orientation for Parents.  Families from all three divisions found it very helpful to learn about the structure of our school, to hear more about parent involvement, and to understand the extent to which we proactively incorporate aspects of diversity and community into K-12th Grade Curriculum.  If you were unable to attend, a copy of the LREI 101 Parent Guidebook will go home with your child sometime this week.  The guidebook includes mission statements, parent expectations, and information about the Parents Associations’ committees and affinity groups.  If you have any questions about community life at LREI do not hesitate to contact me via email at schapman@lrei.org or call me at 212-477-5316, ext 294.”

4) From our nurses—Please encourage your children to wash their hands when they arrive at school in the morning and before/after eating and using the bathroom. Please keep your children home when they are ill (see the LREI Parent Handbook, page 30, for specific guidelines.)  These simple actions will keep us all healthier.

5) Please be sure that your contact information on LREI Connect is up to date.  Email help@lrei.org if you need assistance.

6) Last but certainly not least, I encourage you to attend Sunday’s People’s Climate March.  The LREI contingent is growing by leaps and bounds.  See my email from Wednesday afternoon for details.

That’s it for now, at the end of what has been a busy week.

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