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I am writing this note as I watch our two major party presidential candidates debate a number of significant issues. On the screen are two knowledgeable men who feel passionately about their positions. Filtering through my experiences at LREI, I listen to their comments and wonder if these two candidates share a mission statement for the presidency, for the country. At LREI, we find the clarity and consistency of the school’s historic mission to be an essential guide as we make decisions and plans. Upon reflection, I think that our two candidates do indeed share a mission. They might state it differently, but they would both say they want to create a country that supports its citizens, provides for their health, welfare and happiness and for the health and defense of the country or something along these lines. The big question is how will the nation accomplish this, how will the next president lead us in this effort? What is the strategy that the government will put in place that will allow America to achieve its goals, to follow its mission? That’s the question. That is what will guide the voters (including 3 high school seniors) as they head to the polls over the next month.

As you heard from Amy Zimmerman, LREI Board Chair, LREI’s Board of Trustees will be creating a new strategic plan, a new road map for LREI for the next number of years. Over the past 10 years we have achieved a great deal, in large part due to the Board’s last strategic planning process. LREI is a stronger institution now for having followed a thoughtful and informed plan, created with significant input from many members of the LREI community. In the coming weeks you will be invited to participate in the current strategic planning process as we start to survey all members of the community. We will alert you to the ways in which the survey can be accessed when the process begins, sometime in the next few weeks. We will make completing this survey as easy as possible. Later in the school year, there will be other opportunities for input and feedback.

The information we gather through the survey process will be used by the Board of Trustees as it crafts a strategic plan to guide our work at LREI in the years to come, a plan that will allow us to continue to follow our mission and to provide your children with the very best progressive education.

I encourage you to vote on Tuesday, November 6 in our national referendum and to join your school colleagues by participating in our planning process.

Finally, when you sign-in to LREI Connect today, check out our Adult r(ED) offerings. There are only a few days left to sign up.

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