Thanksgiving Greeting

November 26th, 2008 Dear LREI Community, Amidst the intense political campaign and unfolding economic turbulence of this fall, life at LREI has continued as planned—students and teachers are focused on a wide range of experiences and materials, all with the goal of developing skills and a better understanding of the world around us. Our youngest students have begun their 14-year journey through the school and have done so with honesty, openness and admirable levels of curiosity. Our oldest students, the seniors, have spent the fall identifying the colleges and universities to which they will apply and are deep into this process at this time. We are so proud of these two groups and of everyone in-between.   

So while all is going very well at LREI, we are concerned about the deepening economic crisis.  As we make financial plans for the school, I am fortunate to have the advice of our talented Associate Director, Michel de Konkoly Thege, and the knowledgeable members of the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees, all of whom spend considerable time focused on the short and long term economic needs and health of LREI. Underlying all of their planning is a dedication to the core mission of the School. Since 1921, and through many challenging times, LREI has provided its students with a safe, caring environment where they develop a love of learning and self-confidence and become active, engaged citizens. 

In order to continue to fulfill our mission, we have had to make some difficult decisions, and I anticipate that we will have to make more. While our current financial position is stable, it is our responsibility to do everything we can to ensure that stability as we navigate through this time of economic turbulence. We must plan for the possibility  that the economic downturn will  result in greater demands on our annual operating budget. To ensure that we can weather these potentially adverse developments, we will continue to examine the ways in which we use the school’s resources. Although this examination has led to changes in the ways in which we operate internally, these changes will not diminish our effectiveness nor will they affect life in the classroom. Our number one priority remains maintaining the integrity of our progressive program. As the administration and the Board plan for the 2009-2010 school year, and beyond, our mission and the well being of LREI’s students, families, faculty and staff will guide us.   

We recognize that given current economic conditions, many families’ circumstances may have changed.  If you are not currently receiving Tuition Remission and feel that changes in your family’s particular situation may now qualify you for Tuition Remission, we encourage you to apply now.  Contact the Business Office to do so. 

The 2008-2009 Annual Fund has received early, strong support, which has been an enormous help. Thank you to all who have contributed thus far and to all as  you contribute in the months to come.  As you know, the annual fund supports all aspects of the school’s program that directly touch the student experience at LREI. Do not hesitate to contact me, or Michel, if you have questions or concerns. You may prefer to discuss these issues, and others that are on your mind, in person. While I am always happy to have people stop by to see me in my office at anytime, I am not always there. In order to make it easier to find me, I will be available for drop-in conversations in my Sixth Avenue office from 8:45AM-9:30AM on December 5th, December 12th and December 17th.    

What for me speaks most powerfully during these uncertain times is the abiding strength of the LREI community. Ours is indeed an exceptional group of caring people, ready to stand by one another and our school in good times and bad. Thank you for your devotion to LREI and to each other. 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 

