More Laboratory than Museum
Dear Families:
As I mentioned to seventh grade families at last night’s Colonial Museum Potluck, it is a tremendous thrill for me to watch the learning process unfold fold for your children. It is a process that, on occasion as your child communicates it to you, is not always as clear to you as it is to us. This in and of itself is an intriguing question and one that, as a faculty, occupies much of our thinking. The question of how we can make this process clearer to you is an important goal for us and crucial to our progressive mission. At the same time, an evening like the Colonial Museum brings the purposefulness of this process clearly into view.
Throughout the day, seventh graders shared their learnings about life during the colonial period with students in Kindergarten through eighth grade. In each of these exchanges, seventh graders were forced to think not only about what information they wanted to communicate, but how best to do so. Supported by demonstrations, simulations, models, dioramas, posters, and Powerpoint presentations, students shared with their visitors the substantial fruits of their labors. I was impressed not only by our students’ ability to talk about the facts that they had learned, but about their ability to reflect on what it might have been like to live during this time. It was also exciting to listen to them as they used their newfound learning to look more critically at the legacy of these issues as they face us today. In this way, they experienced the day not as seventh grade students, but as historians.
One learning that has emerged for us as educators as we move forward in this work is the need to better use the research produced by a given class to inform the work of future classes. So we will archive this work, and next year’s seventh grade students will use it as their jumping off point as they consider the question, “What new ideas will I add to the fabric of the story of our understanding of the colonial experience?” For this insight, I thank the members of our seventh grade class and commend them, their teachers and their parents for helping to move our on-going experiment in learning forward.
This Week’s Attachments
(Click on the links below to open the attachments. If you are having trouble opening the links, go to to access the files.)General:
Diversity and Community Action Plan
Flyer for Diversity Discussions
Sixth-Eighth Grade Chelsea Piers PE Program
Glass Menagerie – Adult Chorus Invitation
Eighth Grade:
Seventh Grade:
Sixth Grade:
Fifth Grade:
Of General Interest . . .
1) From Phil Kassen, Director: From Phil Kassen, Director: On Tuesday, March 7th we invite you to join the first of two upcoming diversity discussions. At this gathering, Sharon DuPree—our Director of Diversity and Community—will present our Diversity and Community Action Plan. This plan outlines the ways in which we, the LREI community, will achieve the diversity goals that are central to our mission. We are finishing the last draft of this plan and parent input is essential to the success of these efforts. During the second part of this evening we will all—parents and faculty—share strategies for having important and often difficult conversations about issues of diversity with your children. Conversations started in school often travel home. We will explore how you can continue and expand these conversations so that your children can see that their families are thinking about these important issues as well. On Monday, April 17th we will host a second conversation. We invite you to join a discussion of the School’s placement policy for Lower and Middle School students. We will send home more information about this conversation over the next few weeks, but are hoping to address questions and concerns that we hear in the community. Finally, please see the attached copy of the Diversity and Community Action Plan and a flyer for the two discussions. I hope to see you on Tuesday.
2) From Middle School Dean of Students Gabrielle Keller: From Monday, March 6th, through Thursday, March 9th, help us build classroom libraries in New York City Public Schools by donating your new and gently used books. For more information, please read the attached flyer.
3) From High School Principal Tony Fisher: You are cordially invited to attend this year’s H.S. Play, Gone Wilde – An Evening with Oscar Wilde, which will open Thursday evening, March 9th at 7pm, with performances Friday, March 10th, and Saturday March 11th, also at 7pm, in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $8 in advance (available at the Charlton Street front desk), $10 at the door.
4) From Director of Development Pippa Gerard: Art Auction 2006 – Thanks to all who attended LREI’s Art Auction on February 2, 2006. The Art Auction is an annual silent auction of contemporary fine art. This year’s auction has raised almost $100,000 for the Tuition Assistance Program. Please help us to meet our goal by browsing the work still available – go to the Events section of If you see a piece that you are interested in buying, feel free to drop by LREI’s Sixth Avenue Campus (272 Sixth Avenue at Bleecker Street) between 8AM – 5PM, Monday through Friday. You may also call 212.477.5316 ext. 236 to make an appointment. The Big Auction – LREI’s spring benefit, The Big Auction, will be held on Wednesday, April 26. The auction committee needs help in securing donations from the community in order to be able to offer a wide range of items to make the auction exciting for all who attend. We welcome all creative and unique ideas. Please use the attached donation form and return to the Development Office. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss a potential donation, contact Pippa Gerard in the Development Office by phone: 212-477-5316 ext. 236 or email:
5) Please see the attached invitation to join The Glass Menagerie–an adult chorus started at LREI over 20 years ago. We are thrilled to continue to host their rehearsals and that many members of the LREI community are part of this talented group of singers.
6) For updates on faculty performances, openings, presentations, and publications visit the Faculty in the News page on the school web site.
7) LREI is a member of NYC-Parents in Action (NYC-PIA). NYC-PIA provides parenting education, information and a communications network to help parents prepare their children and teenagers to cope with social pressures and to make sound choices towards a future free of alcohol and drug abuse. You can access their on-line calendar of events at
8) 92nd St Y Lectures & Conversations: Parenting Perspectives
Kids, Teens and Sex: Tackling the Tough Questions, Robie H. Harris, Thursday, 3/9/06, 8:00pm, Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street
Learn more about All Kinds of Minds, the Student Success Programs, and the Schools Attuned Program online at
For 8th Grade Families . . .
No updates this week.
For 7th Grade Families . . .
1) From Director of Admissions Samantha Caruth: SAVE THE DATE: All fifth, sixth and seventh grade families are invited to attend the High School Preview Night on Tuesday, April 11th. This annual event is a wonderful opportunity to hear about our diverse, progressive high school from current High School faculty, students and parents. We hope to see you there! Please RSVP to the Admissions office at ext. 305.
For 6th Grade Families . . .
1) Friday’s MIddle School Intramural Basketball League games are: 1st game — Blue vs. Maroon and 2nd game — Black vs. Green. A reminder also that on Saturday, March 4th, our anual Parents game will take place. The schedule for games is as follows: Maroon at 10:00AM, Green at 10:30AM, Black at 11:00AM, and Blue at 11:30AM.
2) From Director of Admissions Samantha Caruth: SAVE THE DATE: All fifth, sixth and seventh grade families are invited to attend the High School Preview Night on Tuesday, April 11th. This annual event is a wonderful opportunity to hear about our diverse, progressive high school from current High School faculty, students and parents. We hope to see you there! Please RSVP to the Admissions office at ext. 305.
For 5th Grade Families . . .
1) Friday’s MIddle School Intramural Basketball League games are: 1st game — Blue vs. Maroon and 2nd game — Black vs. Green. A reminder also that on Saturday, March 4th, our anual Parents game will take place. The schedule for games is as follows: Maroon at 10:00AM, Green at 10:30AM, Black at 11:00AM, and Blue at 11:30AM.
2) Just a reminder that the Egyptian Tomb event is just around the corner. The tomb will be opened on Thursday, March 16th. Viewing will take place throughout the day. Additional information will be forthcoming.
3) From Director of Admissions Samantha Caruth: SAVE THE DATE: All fifth, sixth and seventh grade families are invited to attend the High School Preview Night on Tuesday, April 11th. This annual event is a wonderful opportunity to hear about our diverse, progressive high school from current High School faculty, students and parents. We hope to see you there! Please RSVP to the Admissions office at ext. 305.
Middle School Sports
Schedules and general information about Middle School sports programs can be found at Information is also available through the LREI Sports Hotline at 212.477.5316 x 494.
Looking Ahead . . .
On the LREI web site additional information about upcoming events can be found at (the middle school events page can be found at
- Tuesday, March 14th, 8:15AM — Parent Rep Meeting
- Wednesday, March 15th, 6:00PM – Sixth Grade Medieval Pageant
- Thursday, March 16th, 8:45AM-3:00PM – Fifth Grade Egyptian Tomb
- Thursday, March 16th, 6:00PM — Middle School Parents of Children of Color meeting
- Friday, March 17th – School closes at noon for Spring Break.
Don’t forget to check the LREI website for updates and interesting information –
Be well,
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