A Trust Exercise

Dear Families:

Whether in the woods or trails of Greenkill, or in the halls and classrooms of the Sixth Avenue building, I’m struck by the similarities in the opportunities and challenges for learning that confront our students each day. For some, today’s challenge came in the form of an full-day hike and working with their group to cook lunch in the woods. For others, the challenge came in the form of a problem that required a nuanced understanding of a piece of literature, a mathematical concept, or a new verb conjugation.

Whatever form these challenges take, students are encouraged, on a regular basis, to take risks and push their own comfort levels. They are able to do so because they find themselves in a learning community that is simultaneously demanding and supportive. The importance of the trust engendered by this support is essential to the work that takes place with and beyond the walls of LREI. For some middle schoolers, tomorrow’s support will literally come in the form of an extended hand as they grapple with the challenge of scaling a rock wall. Often the support is subtler, but the knowledge of its presence is so important to what we do and to how we learn.

Here are some images from our first day at Greenkill; and, as promised last week, click here to view some pictures from our day of work in Prospect Park.

The Middle School Curriculum Night is Tuesday, September 27th at 6:30PM. We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday. At Curriculum Night, you will have an opportunity to hear about the curriculum in each of your child’s classes. We will gather in the auditorium for some introductory remarks and will then proceed to the middle school classrooms. Unfortunately, as the evening’s program tends to be a full one, there will not be time for individual parent conferences. Families will have the opportunity to sign up on this date for conferences later in the fall. Childcare will be available. The fee for childcare is $15, which includes pizza diner. If you are interested in childcare, please call Mary Shea at ext 244 by Friday, September 23rd.

Please note that the Lower/Middle PA Welcome Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, September 28th from 8-9AM in the Sixth Avenue cafeteria. Please read the attached flyer for additional information about this event.

This Week’s Attachments
(Click on the links below to open the attachments. If you are having trouble opening the links, go to http://www.lrei.org/weekly/ms/ to access the files.)

PA Welcome Fair
Middle School Fall Sports
Eighth Grade:
Seventh Grade:
Williamsburg Trip
Sixth Grade:
Fifth/Sixth Grade Soccer Program
Fifth Grade:
Fifth/Sixth Grade Soccer Program

Of General Interest . . .
1) Please read the attached letter from Director Phil Kassen, which addresses a number of important issues.

2) From Middle School math teachers Ana Chaney, Jenny Cashin, Michelle Boehm, and Sheila Kanchwala: After reviewing the summer math that was sent home at the end of the year, the math department would like to offer our congratulations and thanks to you for helping to support your child’s learning during the break. Summers quickly fill up with all kinds of responsibilities, plans, trips, habits, and activities. It can be especially hard to encourage even a moment of math review during the season that seems by its definition to resist routine. However, this consistency has paid off already. By keeping the hard-earned math skills of the prior year fresh, students have started the year with greater confidence and success, ready to advance their learning to new levels. Thank you again for your partnership, and we look forward to an excellent school year.

3) For information about LREI’s efforts to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina please go to http://www.lrei.org/whoweare/katrina.html

3) Just a reminder that this Monday is School Picture Day. This year pictures will be taken by Coffee Pond Photography. Portraits will be taken indoors in case of inclement weather. You will then receive a proof order form in the mail, so you may choose which photograph you like best.

2) From Chorus and Band Director Henry Chapin: Regular practices for the Little Red Singers will begin on Tuesday, September 27th. All interested singers are invited to attend. The Little Red Singers will meet twice a week for 45 minutes (Tuesdays, 8:00-8:45AM and Wednesdays, 3:00-3:45PM). Regular rehearsals for the band will take place on Fridays from 2:15-3:45PM. Please note that there is no band rehearsal this Friday. All questions about the Little Red Singers and the Middle School Band should be directed to Henry Chapin at hchapin@lrei.org.

3) From PA Co-President Kasey Picayo: A reminder that the 1st Halloween Fair planning meeting will take place on Friday, September 23rd at 8:45AM in the Sixth Avenue cafeteria.

4) Please join the members of the Multicultural Committee for the annual, school-wide Welcome (Back) Potluck Lunch, hosted by the Parent Multicultural Committee, noon-3 PM, Sat., Sept. 24th, at the home of parent Manuel Jaimes, 201 Eastern Parkway, 6A, Brooklyn (across from the Brooklyn Museum & Botanic Garden), tel: 718-398-1192. (2/3 train to Eastern Parkway; 4/5 to Franklin). Sign up in the 6th Ave lobby starting Monday; or e-mail MCC co-chairs Mario Murillo and Noreen Stallings-Hall at mario@wbai.org. Come and meet new families and catch up with old friends, even if you can stop by for only a bit!

5) LREI is a member of NYC-Parents in Action (NYC-PIA). NYC-PIA provides parenting education, information and a communications network to help parents prepare their children and teenagers to cope with social pressures and to make sound choices. towards a future free of alcohol and drug abuse. You can access their on-line calendar of events at www.parentsinaction.org. Two upcoming seminars that may be of interest to Middle School families are: Wednesday, November 16th – Independence: Holding On and Letting Go; and Wednesday, December 7th – Independence in Middle School: Safety, Self Reliance and Risk Taking.

6) Art opening for Middle School art teacher Susan Leopold: In Practice – exhibition runs: September 10 – November 27, 2005 at the Sculpture Center, which is located at 44-19 Purves Street (off of Jackson Avenue) in Long Island City, NY, 11101. Exhibition hours: Thursday – Monday, 11am – 6pm; closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Directions: [ http://sculpture-center.org/gi_directions.html ] Exhibition Information: [ http://sculpture-center.org/pe_ip6_des1.html ]

For 8th Grade Families . . .
1) For those of you with children participating in the Fall Sports Program, please review the attached document that provides an overview of practice and game schedules for the fall.

For 7th Grade Families . . .
1) Before you know it, students will be packing and hitting the road for the annual seventh grade trip to Williamsburg and Jamestown, Virginia, which is scheduled for the week of November 14th. Please read the attached letter for more information.

2) For those of you with children participating in the Fall Sports Program, please review the attached document that provides an overview of practice and game schedules for the fall.

For 6th Grade Families . . .
1) A note about dismissal: All Middle School students are dismissed from their homerooms. Fifth and Sixth grade students who are waiting to be picked up must wait in front of the school building. Students who have not been picked up by 3:30PM must come back into the building and wait in the lobby. If you have given your child permission to walk home on his/her own, please send me a note indicating so. We will review these procedures with students and ask that you also review them at home. Thank you.

2)For information about the fifth/sixth grade soccer program, which starts on Thursday, September 29th, click here.

For 5th Grade Families . . .
1) A note about dismissal: All Middle School students are dismissed from their homerooms. Fifth and Sixth grade students who are waiting to be picked up must wait in front of the school building. Students who have not been picked up by 3:30PM must come back into the building and wait in the lobby. If you have given your child permission to walk home on his/her own, please send me a note indicating so. We will review these procedures with students and ask that you also review them at home. Thank you.

2) For information about the fifth/sixth grade soccer program, which starts on Thursday, September 29th, click here.

3) From Lower School Music Teacher and Little Red School House Chorus Director Helen Yoo: Welcome back! We will meet every Thursday afternoon from 3:15 – 4:00PM. Third and Fourth graders are dismissed at 3:00 and can come right down to the auditorium. Fifth graders can join us when dismissed at 3:15. I am looking forward to meeting you and hope many of you will join the Little Red Chorus. All questions about the Little Red School House should be directed to me at hyoo@lrei.org.

Looking Ahead . . .
On the LREI web site additional information about upcoming events can be found at http://www.lrei.org/caleven/index.html (the middle school events page can be found at http://www.lrei.org/midschool/Events.html)

  • Friday, September 23rd, 8:45AM — 1st Halloween Fair planning meeting will take place in the Sixth Avenue cafeteria.
  • Saturday, September 24th, noon-3:00 PM School-Wide Welcome (Back) Potluck Lunch, at the home of parent Manuel Jaimes (details above)
  • Monday, September 26th – Class Photos
  • Tuesday, September 27th, 6:30 PM — Middle School Curriculum Night. All families are invited to come, meet teachers, and hear about our academic program.
  • Thursday, October 6th, 8:45AM Lesbian/Gay/ Straight Alliance Meeting in the Sixth Avenue cafeteria.
  • Thursday, October 6th, 11:00 AM-2:30 PM — Downtown Independent Schools Committee (DISC) Field Day: Sixth graders from LREI will lunch and participate in a variety of games and athletic events with students from Village Community School, Grace Church School, Friends, City and Country, and St. Luke’s School. (Raindate is October 12th.)
  • Monday, October 17, 8:30 am — Library Open House at drop-off. Ever wonder where the easy readers are, or how to check out a book when a librarian isn’t around? Please come and visit Jennifer in the Sixth Avenue library, have a cup of coffee and find out how the library works!”
  • Tuesday, October 18th, 8:15AM — Parent Rep Meeting
  • Wednesday, October 19th – Friday, October 21st — 8th grade participates in EI Minimester
  • Wednesday, October 19th, 7PM – Literary Event: “Tweens Going on Twenty”
  • Thursday, October 20th, 6:00PM — MS Parents of Children of Color Meeting
  • Monday, October 24th — Raindate for Class Photos

Don’t forget to check the LREI website for updates and interesting information – http://www.lrei.org.

Be well,

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