Visual Arts: 2020-2021 Posted on March 15, 2021May 25, 2021by Mark Silberberg Welcome to the Art Studio Spring 2021 All5th Grade Art (20-21)6th Grade Art (20-21)7th Grade Art (20-21)8th Grade Art (20-21) 6th Grade Line, Shape & Form Paper Sculptures2020-2021, 6th Grade Art (20-21) 6th Grade Compass Drawings2020-2021, 6th Grade Art (20-21) AM6 Sequential Wire Sculptures2020-2021, 6th Grade Art (20-21) JS6 Sequential Wire Sculptures2020-2021, 6th Grade Art (20-21) 8th Grade • Personal Project2020-2021, 8th Grade Art (20-21) JS6 Guild Fabric Collages2020-2021, 6th Grade Art (20-21) 5th Grade Personal Artwork2020-2021, 5th Grade Art (20-21) 5th Grade Howardena Pindell Project2020-2021, 5th Grade Art (20-21) DJ5 Art of Ancient Kemet2020-2021, 5th Grade Art (20-21) CK5 Art of Ancient Kemet2020-2021, 5th Grade Art (20-21) 5th Grade Zoetropes2020-2021, 5th Grade Art (20-21) CK5 Single Point Perspective Drawing2020-2021, 5th Grade Art (20-21) 8th Grade • Portrait in Masks2020-2021, 8th Grade Art (20-21) 7th Grade • Two-Point Perspective2020-2021, 7th Grade Art (20-21) 7th Grade • Eye Portraits2020-2021, 7th Grade Art (20-21) 7th Grade • BLM Posters2020-2021, 7th Grade Art (20-21) 8th Grade • Watercolor Triptych2020-2021, 8th Grade Art (20-21) 7th Grade • Window Project2020-2021, 7th Grade Art (20-21) 5th Grade Journalbean Collages2020-2021, 5th Grade Art (20-21) DJ5 Single Point Perspective Drawing2020-2021, 5th Grade Art (20-21) CK5 Printmaking Editions2020-2021, 5th Grade Art (20-21) DJ5 Printmaking Editions2020-2021, 5th Grade Art (20-21) AM6 Guild Fabric Collages2020-2021, 6th Grade Art (20-21) 6th Grade Observational Drawing2020-2021, 6th Grade Art (20-21) 6th grade Advanced Sketchbook & Personal Pieces2020-2021, 6th Grade Art (20-21) JS6 Frida Kahlo Inspired Self Portraits2020-2021, 6th Grade Art (20-21) AM6 Frida Kahlo Inspired Self Portraits2020-2021, 6th Grade Art (20-21) JS6 Medieval-Era Inspired Illuminations2020-2021, 6th Grade Art (20-21) AM6 Medieval Era Inspired Illuminations2020-2021, 6th Grade Art (20-21)