Lunchtime Clubs
Students are welcome to propose a club for the recess/lunch hour. Students get lunch from the cafeteria and take it to any room that is free at that time. Any faculty member can be an advisor for these clubs, and should be in the room with them when they meet, the the faculty advisor need not be an expert on that topic. Students typically run these clubs themselves, and depending on the topic and the students involved, may need only light supervision/guidance. Lunchtime clubs are typically open to all grades and meet on a bi-weekly basis. Please talk to Margaret if a student asks you to supervise a club or you would like to offer one. Clubs are publicized in announcements at Middle School Meeting. Examples of lunchtime clubs include: Newspaper Club, Environmental Club, Dr. Who Club.
Friday Activity Period
The last class on Fridays is Activity Period, during which teachers offer elective classes according to their own interests from tinkering to karaoke, from running to knitting. Students (fifth-eighth grade) select from the offerings and attend for a period a few months until the offerings change. All teachers are expected to offer or support in offering an activity period class. Margaret will solicit new activities at the beginning of each cycle. See her if you have questions.
Affinity Groups
All affinity groups meet on a rotating basis during the first 30-45 minutes of Big Time. These include racial affinity groups such as the white anti-racist caucuses (piloted in 2020-21) and the Black Student Union (BSU) and non-racial affinity groups such as the Gender Sexuality Alliance (JSA) and Women’s Affinity Group (WAG). It is our goal to have all students participate in affinity time when it is so scheduled and to create a structure that allows for students’ multiple identities to be valued and respected.
Co-Curriculars – After/Before School
Students in sixth, seventh and eighth grades are invited to audition to participate in the middle school play (fall) and middle school musical (spring). These rehearsals are after school.
Fifth and sixth graders participate in intramural sports, which are primarily before school (7:00AM -7:15AM arrival) and sometimes after school, as in the case of basketball. The intramural leagues focus on skill development, fair play and community building.
Seventh and eighth graders can participate in the traveling teams for soccer, basketball, volleyball, track, wrestling and softball. Anyone interested in coaching can be in touch with Athletic Director Peter Fisher.
The middle school Robotics team meets after school and is open to 5th-8th grades
The middle school Gear Girls Club, for girls interested in tech, meets after school once a week.
Student Government
Each grade in the middle school elects four representatives to student government at the start of the year. These elections are conducted during Adolescent Issues and are anonymous. Students vote on the basis of unattributed speeches or campaign posters. Student reps, once elected, meet before school one morning a week with Margaret. They bring up issues of importance to each class/grade, make program suggestions and typically help plan Spirit Week and school dances. Eighth grade student reps help to run our weekly all-division assembly, Middle School Meeting.
Learning Lab
The learning lab is a flexible breakout room on the third floor. Learning specialists are available to work with students there after school every day but Friday. While all students are encouraged to drop in, students who need extra support may be encouraged or even assigned to attend by their advisor in consultation with the learning specialists.