Visitors to the School
We have many visitors to the school. Approved visitors are expected to sign in and wear visitor tags while in the buildings.
Admissions Visitors: As part of the admissions process, students will also visit the school for a day. Each visitor will have a buddy and is expected to follow her/his buddy’s schedule. If you have a visitor in your class, you will be expected to fill out a visit form that becomes part of the student’s admission file. Your feedback on these forms is of tremendous importance To this end,
- Please make every effort to complete these forms on the day of or the day after the student’s visit while your impressions are still fresh in your mind.
- So that we do have the best information possible information on a student, we do ask that you try to make sure that you have some interaction with each visitor who is in your class so that you can provide feedback. We understand that this is one more thing on top of all of the other responsibilities that you have with your regular students, but the information is truly helpful to the committee when we are considering candidates for admission.