
Every class in LREI is matched with a buddy class.  These pairings are inter-divisional so that younger and older students can mix.  At specific times, these groups get together in classrooms or for special events. To the extent that it is possible, teachers are encouraged to find ways for buddies to connect outside of the formal meeting times. The updated buddy list can be found as a page on the Monday Memo.

Suggestions of successful buddy time activities:

  • Shared writing – for example, winter poem with illustrations
  • Reading together:
    • Younger buddy chooses a book to be read
    • Older buddy chooses a book from library that s/he enjoyed at younger buddy’s age
    • Younger buddies read from a book they have written or a class book.
  • Organized games at Houston Ballfield
  • Baking / cooking
  • Art projects:
    • Collage activity
    • Card making for a senior home

Evening Events

There are several evenings throughout the school year that you are either required or strongly encouraged to attend.  These events include, but are not limited to, Curriculum Night, culminating curriculum events and potlucks, and dances. There are also chorus and instrumental concerts, the Middle School Musical, dramatic productions, athletic events, and other various and sundry occasions to which you are invited.  Please see the general faculty handbook for a specific list.


Breakfast and lunch are available in the school cafeteria for all faculty. The Parent Association also provides snacks in the faculty lounge on Tuesday’s throughout the year.

For students: As families have paid for the school’s lunch, there is no need for students bring food from home for lunch (medical exceptions must be approved by the nurse and religious exceptions should be communicated to Nathan).  After 8:15AM, no food is allowed anywhere in the building except for the Cafeteria, or under special circumstances as decided by a teacher or the principal.

Food in the classroom/advisory: It is certainly fine to share food in the classroom as it connects to the curriculum. The occasional celebration at the end of a unit is also fine. If you are planning a class trip or excursion outside of the building for which food/treats need to be purchased, please do not ask students to bring in money. Instead, speak with Nathan about the trip to get approval for the school to cover this expense.