Committees and Positions
Afterschool, Early Bird Programs & Summers at LREI – Directed by Cari Kosins, these programs offer both childcare and enrichment. Associate teachers help to provide support. Early Bird takes place in the cafeteria and begins at 7:45 a.m. Afterschool takes place everyday and has its own staff and management. Students may enroll in classes and childcare. Drop-in options are also available.
Assistant Principal – Margaret Andrews is the MS Assistant Principal. She is primarily responsible for coordinating Activity Period, working with the Student Reps, planning Spirit Week as well as the MS Dances. She, along with Nathan, is someone to contact if in case of an urgent student issue.
Board of Trustees – The Board is responsible for the overall policy and financial welfare of the school. It is made up of parents, faculty (one from each division), alumni and alumni parents, educators and other professionals. Elizabeth Simmons is the Middle School representative.
DAC (Divisional Advisory Committee) – The DAC is a forum for faculty to serve as teacher leaders in support of the mission of the school and to provide input and feedback on specific divisional initiatives. DAC members meet once a month with Ana and on an ad hoc basis as needed. When the agenda is open, this is a time to discuss whatever quality-of-life issues affect the division. At times the DAC works in conjunction with the larger JAC.
Department Chairs – Every academic department has a chair who is a faculty member. The chair is responsible for convening six meetings a year and supporting the work of the faculty in that department. The department chairs are a stipended position, chosen by Phil, and rotate every three years.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Facilitator – Sara-Momii Roberts is our divisional DEI facilitator. She works closely with our Director of Equity and Community, Kalil Oldham.
Grade Level Team Coordinators – One person per grade level who facilitates team meetings when they are called, keeps track of division-wide tasks for those meetings, prioritizes the important conversations, takes and shares notes. This person also maintains the grade’s Google calendar so that major events and assignments are added as they should be.
JAC (Joint Advisory Committee) – The JAC meets monthly to explore school issues and coordinate events such as all-school assemblies, professional development opportunities and summer grant awards.
Mentor/Mentee Pairs – A Middle School faculty member is assigned to each new teacher to help him/her get to know LREI in the easiest ways possible. The mentor makes him/herself available informally to answer questions about our community.
PA (Parents Association) – The PA is an active parent body that works both independently and in conjunction with administration and faculty. Their organizations, such as the Literary, Education, and Multicultural Committees, sponsor events that include the Halloween Fair, Karamu!, the Live Auction, the Big Auction, Literary Evenings, and more.
Parent Reps – Each class has two Parent Reps who serve as liaisons between parents and school. They support classroom functions such as potlucks and evening meetings, and provide a class phone tree. Reps meet monthly with the deans.
Staff Association – This organization allows teachers and staff to participate as an affiliate of the United Federation of Teachers. Tammy Dunn is the SA Chapter Leader.
Support Team – The Middle School support team includes Ty Beauchamp, the School Psychologist; Kayla Morales, the School Counselor; Mala Beckhoff, Learning Specialist for 5th grade; Susannah Flicker, Learning Specialist for 6th-8th grade; Margaret and Nathan. The support team meets weekly to discuss students and can be reached at