Fire Drills

We will have periodic fire drills to practice leaving the building in case of an emergency:

  • Classroom teachers should prepare students for drill – but should not let classes know exactly when they will happen. This includes making sure students know to stand and line up quickly and silently, that they may not clean  up or gather coats or other materials, and that they follow in a close single file line.
  • Every classroom has a set of fire drill instructions posted by the door.
  • Please make yourself familiar with the designated exit route from your classroom and other classrooms that you use and be aware of alternative exit strategies in the event that your designated exit route cannot be used.
  • When leaving, make sure that you have your classroom’s Go Bag, leave lights on and close your classroom door.
  • Teachers should be at the front of their lines so that they are better able to receive and communicate instructions to the class. Other faculty will be responsible for checking classrooms, bathrooms, and hallways to make sure that no students are left behind).
  • When students arrive at Houston Street, they should line up in their homeroom groups alphabetically. Each student should be aware of who is in front of and behind them. This will allow you to easily determine if a student is missing.
  • Nathan will ask for you to give a sign that all students present that day are accounted for. Wait for the okay sign before bringing students back to the building.
  • Students should observe the same expectations for leaving the building when they return to the building.
  • If the alarm goes off while students are changing classes. Teachers should direct students in the hallways to leave with them. Students should not return to their homeroom. Once at Houston Street, students should find their homeroom class.

Shelter In Place

  • We will on occasion have indoor drills in the event that we would need to gather indoors as a group in response to some kind of emergency. We will gather with the Lower School in the auditorium, EK classroom, and reading room.
  • In the event of an indoor evacuation or drill, administrators will be at the doors to direct you to our assembly spaces. All faculty members who are not advisors and who do not have an assigned duty are asked to sit with a class.

Lockdown Drills

We practice lockdowns several times a year. In a lockdown drill, no alarm will sound, but an announcement over the PA system will say “Lockdown. Locks, lights, out of sight.” Students should sit silently along a wall away from the door. Teachers turn off lights and lock the classroom door and wait for the “All clear” announcement. There are a few spaces in the middle school that can not be secured and the specific directions for those are specified in the general LREI Faculty Handbook.

First Aid Kits

All classrooms have a metal first aid kit attached to the wall. Please check it periodically to see if you need any items refilled. If you need additional items please let the School Nurse know and she will get the items to you. It should contain bandaids, gauze, alcohol wipes and gloves.

Go Bags

Go Bags are small red backpacks that most of you will find hanging behind the door of your classroom – a few had to be placed in other locations in various rooms. These bags contain basic first aid supplies that are ONLY to be used for true emergencies. You will need to take this bag out with you for every fire drill, and if there is ever a real emergency when we all have to exit the building so that you will be able to take care of basic first aid needs if necessary. When you can, check through the contents or review the content list found in every bag so you know what you have. NEVER use it for any other purpose.

After school hours

  • If you are in the building after school hours and the alarm goes off, please help insure everyone follows the appropriate protocols.
  • In either building, if you are in school after school hours and the fire alarm sounds please go immediately to the reception desk to see where help is needed.  In the Sixth Avenue building, someone from the Afterschool program will be there to give some number of people specific responsibilities.  If you are not needed, please evacuate as you would during the school day.
  • If you are with a group of students please, as you would during the day, escort them out of the building.