Each child’s family needs to come in for three formal conferences per year.  The first is a welcome meeting that takes place on the first day of school (please consult the section on the Advisory program for additional information about these conferences). The other two conferences occur on our Family Conference days in the fall and spring. School is closed on these conferences days. Family Conferences take place with the student’s advisor. The goal of these conferences is arrive at a holistic understanding of the student’s learning experience. These conferences address in a general sense the student’s work to date in all of her/his classes. Students are expected to be active participants in these conferences and the conference should be structured so that the student can share specific work samples and address specific areas of strength and challenge. The conference will run about 30 minutes and advisors will contact families to schedule a mutually convenient time during one of the two conference days.

For additional information about Family Conferences, click here to access resources posted on the Monday Memo pages.