Curriculum Updates

When you are beginning a new project, book, unit of study, or trip, it is good practice to send a write a note to families letting them know. It is important to send the text of these notes to Nathan first so that she can help coordinate the flow of information and so that the text can be posted on the the “MS News” page of Connect, which is a main resource for parents.

Official Notes via Connect

I am Concerned Notes

As soon as a student’s performance begins to slip or homework becomes erratic, it is important to send an “I Am Concerned” LREI Connect Notification home.  The general rule for these is, “the sooner the better.”  In addition, any student whose aggregate score on Jumprope is less than 2 should have an “I Am Concerned” note sent to their parent(s) as soon as this becomes evident. Parents should never be surprised by “bad” news on a progress report or at a conference.  The student’s parents and advisor (as well as the assistant principal and principal) will receive this communication. Do not hold “I Am Concerned” notes out to students as a form of punishment (“If you don’t _____, I will send an I Am Concerned note home.”).

Homework Notifications

Homework Notifications should go home to families every time a homework assignment is missing or incomplete. These notes can be very brief, but must include what the assignment was, what was missing, and what follow up you expect. Homework notifications are not a disciplinary consequence, but a way we ensure we are keeping families informed. Because of this, it is important not to withhold these notifications or give more ‘chances’ to students in hopes of encouraging them to change their behavior. The advisor, assistant principal and principal are copied on these notifications. These notifications should be sent as early in the day as possible and are not a substitute for having a conversation with the student. Seventh and eighth graders who are missing an assignment must stay for study group that day. Fifth and sixth  graders who are missing more than four assignments in a trimester must also stay for study group.


Letters of commendation are to be used for quick communication of a positive nature and are as important to send out as “I Am Concerned” Notes.

Note to Parents

If you have information to share that is not of a disciplinary nature, and not of particular academic concern, but is worth keeping record of, you can either send a ‘Note to Parents’ in Connect, or send an email from your own school account and then add the text in an “Archive Note” in Connect.



Conversations regarding children and/or their parents are always treated as confidential.  We honor the trust we receive from parents.  In every educational institution, questions about confidentiality and professional behavior arise.  The following guidelines are designed to help clarify how we can work together with professional candor and exchange important information. These guidelines can help us to minimize the misunderstandings that can arise from inappropriate comments or the unintentional dissemination of privileged information:

  • Discussion of student issues, whether formal or informal, in the faculty lounge or at faculty meetings, should be treated as confidential and is not information that should be shared with individuals outside of the members of the child’s learning team. If plans are made in response to these discussions, their follow-up should include Ana and, where appropriate, the student’s  advisor, or learning specialist to ensure that they are in sync with the overall plan for this child.
  • As a rule, faculty members are expected to hold in strictest confidence matters pertaining to a student’s personal life, performance, test records, etc. This policy is a basic aspect of professional behavior. It is particularly important when dealing with written records.  Student files, records, placement lists, etc. should be kept carefully if paper – in Nathan’s office or the learning specialists’ office and if digital – in private or password-protected locations).
  • Student and/or family dynamics should not be discussed outside of school, on trains or in restaurants. In any community of people, there is an active grapevine of rumor or gossip that feeds upon itself. If a faculty or staff member has a question emanating from this grapevine, or becomes aware of a parent or student question of similar nature they should refer the question to Nathan. Please encourage students and parents to do likewise.  Discussion of colleagues or of our own working relationships with students or parents is unprofessional and reflects poorly on our community.
  • All of us will on occasion make an error of judgment in the conduct of our responsibilities.  If it is necessary to bring such a matter to the attention of a colleague, please do so directly and privately.