Shared Organizational Tasks
Keeping classrooms tidy
Please leave classrooms in a neat and usable condition at the end of each class period (i.e., desk surfaces clear, classroom materials put away properly, floors clean, chairs pushed in). The teacher who is to use the classroom next should be able to walk in and not have to spend the first few minutes of her/his class period straightening up the room or re-arranging furniture. It is important to get students into the habit of straightening up rooms after each period. Please be sure to do this even if you have another class in the same room.
Bulletin Boards
Bulletin boards in classrooms need to be covered with an attractive/informative display of student work at all times. The content of the boards should reflect recently completed work or work/projects that are in progress. The bulletin boards in the hallways and on landings are the shared responsibility of all the Middle School teachers. These displays will be rotated frequently. Please make every effort not to post materials directly on walls. If you must do this, please do not use staples or tacks.
Shared Calendars
Please note all major due dates–quizzes, tests, projects and field trips– as well as days off on calendars in your homeroom. Feel free to also include birthdays. The relevant grade level google calendar should also be updated to reflect these key assignments. The team coordinator will assist in keeping the google calendar up to date, but entering major assignments is the responsibility of the individual teacher. Be sure to check the calendars before you schedule events in order to avoid conflicts. Please help students refer to and use the calendars as well.
Maintenance Requests
If something needs to be fixed, replaced or deep cleaned, let Nathan know and he will be in touch with Robert and his team. Please do not be in touch with maintenance directly, as it’s important for requests to be streamlined and vetted.
Technology support
For emergency tech help (for issues that are impacting your work in the moment), text 646-863-5608. Include your name, room number, and a brief description of the issue.
- When you text, you will receive one of two messages: 1) “I’m on it, be right there” or 2) the message will communicate an ETA (e.g., “I’ll be there in 10 minutes. Have you tried . . .”).
- If there is an extended ETA, another member of the tech support team (from another division) may respond to the support request.