Faculty meetings

Faculty meetings (Tuesdays, 3:30-5:30PM) alternate between divisional meetings, departmental meetings, and full faculty (preK-12th grade) meetings.  These meetings are opportunities to discuss the practical aspects of coordinating all that goes on in our school/division, to discuss our students, and to have discussions that allow us to grow and learn as professionals.  If you cannot attend a meeting, will be late or need to leave early, email Nathan about it in advance.

Topics for each meeting are shared on the Monday Memo. Potential areas of focus for our divisional meetings include sharing curriculum, discussing pressing student issues, yearly themes relating to teaching practice such as assessment, diversity, equity  and inclusion, or planning for upcoming events such as conferences.


Grade Level Team Meetings

Grade Level Team Meetings take place during lunch according to a rotation that varies by year. These meetings include the advisors for that grade level and sometimes the wider group of all teachers who teach that grade level, as well as some member of the middle school support team (principal, assistant principal, psychologists, learning specialists).  The schedule for these and the group expected to attend each week are on the Monday Memo.

The agenda for these meetings alternates between sharing updates about individual students and team curriculum sharing, planning, or taking a look at a more general issue (e.g., organization) that will have implications for a number of students. The Grade Level Team Coordinators chair these meetings and maintain notes.


Checkpoint Meetings

Checkpoint Meetings are regularly scheduled meetings with Nathan. These meetings take place every three weeks. During the weeks that you do not meet, Nathan will make every effort to make an informal visit to your classroom. The checkpoint meeting is an opportunity to talk about professional goals, curriculum development, and any other issues that are relevant to your success in the classroom. In combination with the informal classroom visits, checkpoint meetings provide a forum to celebrate successes and to address areas of challenge. The schedule of checkpoint meetings is posted on the Monday Memo.