Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Come to class with your project completed!
See you tomorrow!
Come to class with your project completed!
See you tomorrow!
Today we had our test! Please make sure you see me as soon as you get back to schoolto set up a time to take it! You must take the test by Wednesday at 3:15pm.
I am attaching the rubric and the description for the Recipe Card Project which is due on Wednesday.
I am also attaching the Practice Set for this week. Get started. It is due on Friday. The answers will be posted on the blog no later than Wednesday so you can check your work!
Have a great day! Get better if you are ill!
Study for the test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonus Problems
Due: Monday, October 29, 2007
Please complete this work on a separate sheet of paper.
Ace Page 60 #39
ACE page 61 #41
Final Unit Test
Monday, October 29, 2007
Write fractions in simplest form
Solve story problems involving fractions
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions
Write story problems for operations of fractions
Find fractional parts and use them to answer questions
Check your practice set!
Due Friday
Finish typing your recipe pages
Study for the test!
Come to class prepared to ask question for review!
Bonus Problems
Due: Monday, October 29, 2007
Please complete this work on a separate sheet of paper.
Ace Page 60 #39
ACE page 61 #41
Practice Set #4
Due: Friday, October 26, 2007
Final Unit Test
Monday, October 29, 2007
Write fractions in simplest form
Solve story problems involving fractions
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions
Write story problems for operations of fractions
Find fractional parts and use them to answer questions
Due Friday
Finish typing your recipe pages
Study for the test!
Come to class prepared to ask question for review!
Bonus Problems
Due: Monday, October 29, 2007
Please complete this work on a separate sheet of paper.
Ace Page 60 #39
ACE page 61 #41
Practice Set #4
Due: Friday, October 26, 2007
Final Unit Test
Monday, October 29, 2007
Write fractions in simplest form
Solve story problems involving fractions
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions
Write story problems for operations of fractions
Find fractional parts and use them to answer questions
Today in class we reviewed writing story problems and began a project. All the work is attached!
Due the next time you have math
ACE Page 59: 26 – 34
Complete your recipes
Classwork and Homework-October 22, 2007
Bonus Problems
Due: Monday, October 29, 2007
Please complete this work on a separate sheet of paper.
Ace Page 60 #39
ACE page 61 #41
Practice Set #4
Due: Friday, October 26, 2007
Final Unit Test
Monday, October 29, 2007
Write fractions in simplest form
Solve story problems involving fractions
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions
Write story problems for operations of fractions
Find fractional parts and use them to answer questions
Happy Friday to you All,
I am so glad you all did so well on the first test. You are doing a great job and I hope you stay focused and stick to it. We will have our second test on Monday, October 29th, I am sure you will all do well. You should already be practicing and reviewing every day!
Monday will be the first meeting of the “girls who love math” club. We will meet at 4pm in the math room. Come ready to work and ask questions about fractions! Have your grown-ups pick you up at 5pm.
Due Monday, October 22, 2007
Page 62: 1-3
Revise your story problems!
Bonus Problems
Due: Monday, October 22, 2007
Please complete this work on a separate sheet of paper.
Ace Page 44 #34
ACE page 45 #35
See you in class Monday,
Well Hello,
This has been a hectic week for math but I think we are well on our way. Here are the answers for the practice set. Please make sure you use a red pen and review your work.
The homework work sheets are attached here and are due on Friday for both classes.
I will see you in class tomorrow.
I am planning a project for you and we will be having our second test very soon!
In class today we worked on multiplying and dividing fractions. I have attached the packet in case you loose yours.
Due the next time you have math
Page 38: A 1-6
Complete the packet
Bonus Problems
Due: Monday, October 22, 2007
Please complete this work on a separate sheet of paper.
Ace Page 44 #34
ACE page 45 #35
Practice Set #3
Due: Friday, October 19, 2007
See you in class on Wednesday when you return from the Cloisters.
Congratulations! You made it through the test! No homework this weekend but try the bonus problem.
See you Monday!
Bonus Problem – Due Monday, October 15th
ACE Page 45 #37-38
Completed on separate paper from the regular homework!