April is National Poetry Month

Let’s be honest. Many of us do not consider poetry. We may have a fond memory or two of a favorite poem as a child, but chances are as adults we do not work poetry into our “to be read” pile.

We should work on changing this! And why not make that change during April which is National Poetry Month!

Here are a few things you may want to experience with your children during the month of April!

– Why not visit Poet’s House? Located at Ten River Terrace, Poet’s House is a lovely respite filled with poetry and has a children’s room to boot!

– Unable to visit a physical space? Why not check out librarian Travis Jonker’s blog where he always has something poetry going on … including the now famous spine poem gallery! Why not make a spine poem or two of your own?

– If you are near the library at LREI, come on in and ask about our 811s! That is the Dewey Decimal Section where you will find our fabulous poetry collection. We have anthologies and many, many picture book poetry titles as well!

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