High School Students Participate in Youth Media Arts Show

LREI High School students will be participating in the Youth Media Arts Show taking place this Friday, March 14, from 10 AM to 1 PM at the Titus Two Theater, Museum of Modern Art, 11 West 53rd Street. Students will be presented awards for their distinguished contributions in film and media. Dr. Eric Heyworth, Director of the Youth Media Arts Show, describes the show as a day where:

Students from New York’s high schools and middle schools will come together to share the media works they have created. When students use language, the arts, technology, community investigation, teamwork, and problem solving, they are deep in the process of what education is all about. The display of student video and multi-media productions is a vivid test of authentic learning.

With regard to our participation in the show, Director of Media Arts at LREI Vinay Chowdry comments that:

LREI has had a media arts program for a number of years now and has been a leader in this field among independent schools. Much of what we do is synthesis of practice and theory. The films selected represent our great school and were chosen based on merit, content quality,educational value, and production value. It was a tough decision as we have so many talented students who have created a such good work. Our success can be claimed by everyone at LREI; media is truly an all encompassing and collaborative medium.

While our submissions have been edited down for time, and not all of the selected films will be shown, we congratulate our students, Brendan McCormick, ‘08, Gavin Cady, ‘08, Laura Hallman, ‘08, Oskar Peacock, ‘08, Keith Nocera, ‘08, Duncan Lewis, ‘08, Nemo Allen, ‘08, Jane Sternbach, ‘08, Dash Lunde, ‘08, Ava Hamilton, ‘08, Jesse Towsen, ‘08, Ellie Shnayer, ‘09, AJ Sims, ‘09, and Lola Lorber, ‘09, who represent our Media Arts program beautifully.

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