“How do I raise an Ally?”

Civic education specialist, Joel Westheimer, encourages us to raise justice-oriented citizens (click here to read his article on democracy and education). This individual looks at the root of a problem and the layers of complexity involved in understanding unjust situations before attempting to join others in exploring strategies and finding resolutions. There are various curricular opportunities at LREI where students’ awareness of social justice issues in history and in the present is raised. They learn of the actions of justice-oriented citizens and the impact their work has in creating necessary change.

Social_Justice-1While at home, on a play-date, or on a walk around the city, you and your children are encountering injustices and unfair treatment of various groups of people. Sometimes our observations lead us to take action and we join organizations, volunteer our time, write letters, read literature to become more informed, or talk about the issue further at the kitchen table. Sometimes it is as simple as how we address a disagreement between siblings that begins with, “That’s not fair!” One might ask, “What else can I do to help my child be an engaged, sensitive, and active citizen?” “How do I raise a child of the 21st Century to be inclusive and socially just?” “How do I raise an Ally?”

Join us in a discussion to explore how you can help raise a social justice ally. Friday, November 20, 2009 at 8:45 am in the Sixth Avenue Cafeteria. Grab some coffee, bring a friend, and engage in the first of a 3 part series of discussions with fellow LREI parents.

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