Books and Buddies

The children look so forward to buddy day and it is really hard to say whether Buddies or Book Week’s author visits were the number one highlight of the week. Several students were buzzing about Buddy Day (Tuesday) already in the hall before 8:30am. Teachers report that some couldn’t contain their excitement as they waited for the older students’ arrival! “Buddies , Buddies, Buddies…” they were saying!Some of our youngest students in Beth’s and Diane’s rooms teamed up with Sixth grade buddies to make cards and tell stories. Little ones loved getting so Kindergartners enjoyed a special treat together and played hide and go seek on the roof! First graders decorated gingerbread cookies with Eighth and toured the middle school, including the wonderful science lab and art room. Second graders drew “time travel” portraits of themselves as Ninth graders, and their older buddies tried to remember how they looked as second graders. Third graders shared their farm writing with Tenth graders and reported they were really good listeners. One group of fourth graders actually walked over to the high school to meet their eleventh grade buddies in the Charlton St library. Fourth and Eleventh grade had such a wonderful time, they are already planning their next meeting!

I have to say these are really brief, not nearly complete or nuanced-enough descriptions of these Buddy Day, so please ask you own child to tell you all about what they did with their buddy!


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