Fourth Graders Move Up

As we all welcome the summer season, we like to remember the challenges and successes of another school year gone by. Our fourth grade classes have the most to remember. A few highlights include spending time with their kindergarten buddies, sharing meals and chores on farm trips, and learning about the animals they’ve chosen for their rain forest study (along with the wonderful rain forest embroideries they created as a gift to the school)!
Fourth Grade MemoriesFourth Grade MemoriesFourth Grade MemoriesFourth Grade MemoriesFourth Grade MemoriesFourth Grade MemoriesFourth Grade MemoriesFourth Grade Memories

Younger grades looked up to them, as well. One such memory is captured below, as the fourth grade performed a skit to teach younger children about the inauguration. Hats off to the fourth grade as they move up to the middle school.

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