Literary Projects in the Lower School

This Thursday, May 22nd is LREI’s Spring Book Sale and Literary Celebration. The Auditorium is filled with so many great book offerings it’s hard for many to make a choice about what to buy.Children throughout the lower school have been working feverishly on literary projects that integrate different curricular areas, help express feelings and emotions, and also give children the opportunity to share all that they know with the rest of the school community.

Early childhood neighborhood trips that encouraged students to notice how things change and grow from season to season have sparked a flurry of writing selections that share the beauty of Spring. First grade projects produced a plethora of non-fiction selections. Hope you were lucky enough to purchase a copy of The Funky Earth Café’s cookbook or one of the numerous How To books from LREI’s first Learning Center.

Second graders worked for weeks on their All About books. Each child chose a
topic to research and to write a book about to share with each other and their families. I had no idea second graders knew so much about so many things! Book topics included community boards, airplanes, painting in NYC, and the Intrepid.

Third graders recently finished writing Color poems. They used their imaginations and senses to think about what a color might smell like, taste like, sound like and feel like, as well as what it looks like. Students used the creative ideas they came up with to write poems about colors.

Weeks of hard work went into researching and writing the script for the first fourth grade immigration musical which was an incredible demonstration of hard work, talent, academic skill and community collaboration. Be sure to also check out the wall of poems written by fourth graders and modeled after poems written by Asian immigrants who came to America through Angel Island.

Books help us all to see new places, learn about new things and connect in many different ways with others at home and around the world. Enjoy your next reading adventure!

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