Jon Whelan, Documentary Filmmaker, Speaks 9-10; 10-11 Tues 1/14

Greetings Eighth Grade Team–

Tomorrow, Tuesday, 1/14, documentary filmmaker, Jon Whelan (dad of Willow) who made the critically acclaimed “Stink,” will come to talk to the eighth graders about the craft of making documentaries. He will do the same talk starting at 9 and again at 10.

This year, as you may or may not know, we have moved into each Social Justice group making a mini-doc about their topic and their journey as activists for the Teach-In.

Jon will talk to us about his process, and his best practices and tips and then have a Q and A.

Please join us in SSC8 to hear / see what it’s all about!

“Stink” Official Trailer

NYTimes review of “Stink”

Sarah and Momii