Junior Class Trip Presentations

Hello Juniors!
A couple of quick notes about your Junior Trip Lab this week and next–please read on…action required!

1) All trip groups will be required to review their slide decks with Karyn or Joy ahead of our pitch rehearsal on Monday, 11/25. Karyn will be sending out a Doodle poll today through which you can schedule your appointment for later this week. Please make these appointments ASAP and be sure to give yourselves time to revise your work. (Note: any group members charged with creating the slides and/or script need to be in attendance.)

2) Karyn and Joy have also provided a very helpful resource guide for designing slide decks for presentations. You can find the guide here.

3) A reminder of important upcoming dates:

Monday, 11/25: Dress rehearsal for your trip pitches (most will take place during lunch; rehearsal schedule forthcoming)
Tuesday, 11/26: Trip pitches to Phil, admin, and trip faculty (PAC during Trip Lab)

Let me know if you have any questions; I’m looking forward to seeing you all next week for the pitches!

All the best,