Dear LREI teachers and faculty,
We are writing to invite you (and your students if it is developmentally appropriate for them) to our second letter writing to political prisoners event. It will take place on Thursday, January 23rd from 3:30- 5 at the high school library to write letters and make cards to send to political prisoners. We will spend some time reviewing the work IWOC (incarcerated workers organizing committee) does, as well as how the LREI community can use this space to support incarcerated folks and organize against the prison industrial complex. Some students have already received responses to their letter from folks on the inside, so we will spend time responding to these letters as well as welcoming in new students (and faculty) to write cards or letters for the first time. All the details can be found below:
Letter Writing to Political Prisoners
Thursday January 23rd 3:30-5pm
LREI High School Library
Snacks; Community: And learn about IWOC’s organizing with incarcerated workers, political incarceration, and how to correspond with people on the inside.
We hope to see you there and please feel free to email if you have any questions.
Katy, Calvin, Grace