LREI’s Treasure Trove

That's me working in the piano room at the Lower School.

The LREI Archives Project is in full swing! I have been coming in on Monday mornings to begin processing our paper files and the Alumni Archives Committee has been getting together at the high school to go through our enormous collection of photographs that goes back to the beginning. They have been tirelessly sorting images and identifying students. We are lucky to have alumni with such solid memories of their classmates!

Just the other day, I came across an interesting photograph.

crucible miller

In this 1957 photo, Arthur Miller stands with the LREI cast of The Crucible after a performance. I also found this note that quotes a statement Miller made about the production.

crucible miller comments

Miller’s son, Robert Miller, was a student at EI and later went on to be a film producer who brought his father’s iconic play to the big screen in 1996 with his father as screenwriter.

This is but one of countless treasures I’ve unearthed in the LREI Archives. I will continue to share interesting finds from time to time to illustrate the depth and richness of LREI’s history, so please stay tuned!