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Putting a Face to Trump’s Threat to DACA
By Nicolas Simbaqueva President Donald Trump announced in early September that he was putting an end to a popular...
Coach Cassells has boys soccer team on the path to success
By Jared Sage Sports at LREI have long taken a back seat to other extracurricular activities, such as creative...
Sleepy students wonder: Does school start too early?
By: Hannah Bernstein It’s only the beginning of the year, and students like Emily Lu are already struggling to...
Despite cajoling, cafeteria mess persists
By: Damian Pena The floor is littered with napkins and wrappers. The chairs are strewn around. There is chewed...
LREI Boys Varsity Champs
By Cameron Krakowiak Randall’s Island- As the boys soccer team sits back down on the bus after an 8-2...
Marketplace Feminism and the Danger of Commodification
By Elisabeth Seiple Walk around any Forever 21 or H&M in the country and you’re guaranteed to find a...
Behind the Scenes with LREI’s Kitchen Staff
By: Sarah Katz Every day around noon, students rush into the cafeteria awaiting their next meal. Some wait in...