Q: How should I ask out _____? (lowkey really nervous) A: If you want to ask them out, just shoot your shot. You miss 100% of the shots you...
Q: I was staining food from the faculty room but then I was caught. What should I do? A: I think you meant to write “stealing” food, but there isn’t much you can do about the fact...
Q: I can’t stop falling asleep in my 1st period classes! What do I do? A: If you keep falling asleep in your 1st period classes, it means you probably aren’t getting enough sleep....
Q: What are your top 10 favorite oranges? A: If you are talking about shades of orange, I don’t have 10 favorites, but my favorite shade of...
Q: How do I become more confident around my friends? A: I’m not quite sure what type of confidence you are referring to (e.g. confidence in self-expression/speaking, confidence in...
Q: I feel like the universe wants us together, but I don’t want us together. So many weird coincidences happening… A: My understanding of this question is that there is someone you’re not necessarily attracted to/want to date, but...
Q: Why can’t the history teachers post on connect? Like why go out of your way to make a completely different website when provided and actually required to use connect? A: If you have a problem with the way your teacher posts homework, feel free to write a friendly...
Q: How to deal with high school drama? A: I’m not sure what kind of drama you are referring to exactly, however, I know you will get...
Q: I thought I was over him, but after today, I’m not so sure. A: I’m very sorry about that. Since you didn’t really submit a question I’m assuming you are asking me...
Q: Why don’t you answer some of my questions? A: There are some questions I am not allowed to put on a school website because of their level...