Q: One of my close friends was hooking up with the girl I liked. What do I do if my friend isn’t right for her? A: I hate to say it, but there’s not much you can do in this situation. You might offend...
Q: How to find love in a hopeless place? A: You don’t find love, love finds you. Just wait, your time will come, there’s someone out there for...
Q: My friends judge me for putting pineapple on my pizza. When they mock me for my unique taste it really hurts my feelings. How can I let them know their fun teasing isn’t fun to me? A: Sometimes friends joke around with each other, and once in a while that may result in hurt feelings....
Q: There’s this girl I like (____) how should I ask her out? A: I have answered this question before. I censor out the name because I try to respect people’s privacy...
How You Can Give Back This Thanksgiving By: Molly Voit As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, many New Yorkers are getting ready to eat in excess and spend...
English and the Need for a Global Language By Elisabeth Seiple As an increasingly global society, we have become more and more reliant on English as our...
The Return of New Wave By Anna Mueller Upon close examination, it is clear that the influence of the 80s is prominent in popular...
Private Prisons By Skyler Pierce-Scher The number of private prisons grew dramatically after Nixon’s War on Drugs, strengthened later by Reagan,...
Q: How do I become friends with somebody I confessed my feelings to in the past, without them thinking that I still have feelings for them? A: I think that the best way to become friends with someone you had feelings for is to just...
Q: I am worried that my friend doesn’t like me anymore because she hasn’t hung out with me in so long. I’ve asked her and she said she would get back to me and never did. Then I saw her hanging out with another one of my friends instead. Maybe I’ve changed for the worse or something. She’s one my favorite people, I adore her. A: I know from experience that it can really suck when it feels like you and a friend are...