Week in Review: 1/21/18

By Layne Friedman

Everything you need to know about last week with world, U.S. and LREI news!



North Korea Will Participate at 2018 Winter Olympics:

In a massive advancement for diplomatic relations between the two Koreas, North Korea has agreed to send 22 athletes to the Winter Olympics this February. Furthermore, North and South Korea will march under one flag at February 9th opening ceremony for the Games in Pyeongchang. In addition to marching together into the opening ceremonies, the two nations will field a joint women’s hockey team. The joint team will be a first, and is a representation of the hope for diplomacy brought on by the upcoming games taking place in South Korea.

Click here to read more.

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Announces Pregnancy:

New Zealand’s prime minister Jacinda Ardern announced on Friday that she and her partner, Clarke Gayford, are expecting their first child this June. The announcement makes Ardern one of a few woman to lead a nation while pregnant. Ardern stated, “I am not the first woman to work and have a baby. I know these are special circumstances but there are many women who have done it well before I have.”  New Zealand offers 22 weeks of paid parental leave and Ardern has stated that she will only take off 6 weeks before returning to her job after giving birth. Her partner Clarke Gayford plans to be a stay at home dad. Ardern is becoming a model of the ability of women, even in the most high power positions, to be mothers as well as leaders.

Click here to read more.



People Take to The Streets on the Anniversary of Trump’s Inauguration:

It’s been one year since Trump was sworn into office and Saturday thousands of people made it clear that they aren’t getting any quieter when it comes to fighting the Trump Administration. In NYC alone more than 200,000 people showed up, with marches also taking place around the country and even the world. Many of the messages from last year’s march remained the same with the addition of the #metoo campaign and impending 2018 midterm elections as important talking points for many speakers. Even so, just likelast year’s march, many activists raised the important question of whether marchers will continue to show up throughout the year for movements which are less widely acted upon by white progressives.

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U.S. Government Shuts Down With Republicans and Democrats Unable to Strike a Deal:

The United States shut down on Midnight Friday with the lack of a new government spending bill. While the fiscal year begins in October often congress will pass temporary spending bills allowing more time to negotiate a long term spending bill, a process that must be undertaken each year. Friday the existing government funding expired and CHIP (Childhood Health Insurance Program) and DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) became the center of the debate for funding. Despite controlling the House, Senate and White House, Republicans needed the votes of Democrats in order to pass a spending bill, which requires at least 60 votes in Senate. Democrats were adamant that they would not vote for any spending bill without a deal on CHIP and DACA. The negotiations are one of only few times since the 2016 elections where Democrats have held power in Congress.

Click here to read more.



Trimester 1 Grades Now Available:

As of Friday LREI trimester 1 grades and comments are now available. Teachers were required to turn in their comments last week but it took until this Friday for comments and grades became available on LREI Connect. Grades can be found under the “Progress” section of LREI connect. With Trimester 2 substantially shorter than Trimester 1, it will not be long until Midterms and ultimately Trimester 2 final grades are released.

LREI Organizes Large Group for 2018 Women’s March:

Following much planning and organizing by the LREI Student Government and a large group of LREI students, parents and teachers gathered together at the Women’s March, a protest against the misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, and homophobic actions of the Trump Administration. After a week of sign making opportunities at LREI during lunches and x-block, the group gathered at the High School on Saturday morning where they enjoyed breakfast and geared up with “LREI Resist” hats. There was also an organized meeting spot near the start of the march for those with different commutes. The group then joined thousands of other New Yorkers marching for what they believe in.

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