LREI’s Fall Production of Sense and Sensibility!

By Layla Grant-Simmonds

Musical theater teacher Joan Jubett chose the play Sense and Sensibility for the upcoming fall production because she felt that the feminist twist was suitable for juniors and seniors, and because she likes to try new play genres from year to year. Jubett also chose this play because it has a pretty large cast with enough parts that would enable her to not have to cut actors from the production. Along with these reasons, she gained a more personal connection with this play. Jubett remarks that while she was sitting at the beach reading the play, specifically a scene between two sisters, she, “had a rather emotional response – I burst into tears – so it felt right.” As she continued to learn about family connection, topics of womanhood and sexism, and love, Jubett began to appreciate this play. She notes that “Kate Hamill has a fresh, modern, fun take on Austen’s classics. She’s witty and she keeps the play moving quickly.” There is a lot to like and relate to with the characters of Sense and Sensibility

The cast and crew also connect with the message of this play. Senior Kate, who is playing the part of Mrs. Dashwood, the mother of the two sisters, stated, “I think it is a wonderful choice! I love Jane Austen, and the story is so powerful: it has commentary on class and gender in a way that is pretty radical for the era.” She loves the “feminist flair” of Sense and Sensibility. This play will not only be entertaining and exciting to come and see, but it will also be very educational on how class and gender were expressed at the time. 

Jubett tends to make changes to the plays’ scripts and overall composition. All of the cast and crew interviewed and surveyed loved this year’s adaptation by Jubett, and would not change anything about it. Sophomore Seven, who plays Robert Ferrars in the production, appreciated how “over the top” the acting is at times, and how much fun it has been so far. Freshman and costume helper Beatrice especially appreciated the stage composition. Another student noted how they are interested in the brand new stage arrangement, and how the audience is seated on the side.

The composition Joan Jubett chose for the stage was for most of it to be on the wooden floor, and the audience to be sitting courtside, “on either side of the theater, underneath the balconies”. Due to the PAC now having fewer seating options, there will be four shows for more people to see.  She chose this format so the audience is closer to the play. She wanted to enhance the experience of the audience by pulling us closer to the action. “The story about the Dashwoods is very intimate and there is a gossipy element to the play that feels like it should include the audience.” The gossip and drama will be enhanced with the audience’s proximity to the actors. Beatrice adds believes that with the changes “it’s going to feel like an immersive Jane Austen experience.

Another major way Joan Jubett decided to change the way she directs is todouble cast participants. This means two students are playing each part, and will be alternating between each full play. Jubertt explains, “The double casting came out of the fact that we have a very strong senior class presence this year. Many of these students have been working with me for all four years and I wanted to make sure that there were enough parts to go around.” This senior class is very involved in the performing arts, so while casting there were so many actors and actresses to choose from. Jubett additionally decided to double-cast because “ Marianne and Elinor have the most scenes of all, and so by double-casting it provides more equity in terms of actual stage time.” Kate adds, “ It’s super interesting and super rewarding seeing how your acting changes and how other people’s acting changes” because there are two leads performing the same role. It will be interesting to see how differently students play the same parts. 

So far, the experience of putting together Sense and Sensibility has been enjoyable for the cast and crew. Kate appreciated how helpful Jubett has been, and how she “pushes you outside of your comfort zone.” Beatrice also loves Jubett as a director and likes spending time with everyone during play practice, whether that is running lines or joining in on practicing choreography. There are also downsides to working on this play. Beatrice added that staying in the building until five for play practice, or sometimes even ten to finish up her homework, can be very tiring. Overall, she feels positive about being part of such a professional production with a cast and crew that “feels like family”. The feeling is mutual: Jubett loves working with the students. She sees directing these school plays as a way of engaging the students in “larger themes. We learn by doing, and it’s so valuable”. One of Jubett’s biggest challenges is the time constraints due to how busy the cast and crew are with school and homework. A rewarding aspect for her is to see the students use their creativity. “I love to see all the lightbulbs go off in the rehearsal room when we stage something in a humorous or dynamic way.”

Senior Kate is “really excited for the performance. It’s very anxious and nerve-racking but so exciting.” She has been in all of the past school productions and is especially excited about how much closer the audience and the set are, as she appreciates how different it is from the past productions. Many of the cast and crew are excited for opening night and to see the whole play come together. Freshman Beatrice said it would be interesting to continue watching the process of how they operate with the double-casting. 

This production is labeled as a “professional grade” production. Jubett notes that there will be music and a more interactive aspect Sense and Sensibility. Jubett and the students are working very hard on the play, with acting, designing, stage management, and much more. Joan Jubett proclaims “ I think it’s going to be a beautiful production. I’m looking forward to sharing it with the LREI community.” Everyone, I encourage you to tune in to watch this year’s adaptation of Sense and Sensibility!


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