Coronavirus Protesters

By Emma Diamond

Over the past few weeks, people in various states have gathered to protest shelter-in-place orders. At these protests, people violated social distancing guidelines, risking spreading and contracting coronavirus. 

On April 21st, hundreds of people protested coronavirus shut down orders in Raleigh, North Carolina and in Jefferson City, Missouri. Many of these protesters wore clothing and accessories supporting President Donald Trump. Most of the protesters were not wearing masks and did not stay six feet apart. They condemned their governors’ decisions to implement rules to stay at home, arguing that their personal freedoms have been compromised. In addition, the protesters brought up the millions of Americans who have filed for first-time unemployment amid the pandemic. Those without jobs will be unable to obtain basic necessities. Protesters argued that the economic consequences of the virus outweigh health ones, and therefore, their governors should allow businesses to reopen. Many protests similar to these two have taken place across America in the last few weeks.

On April 30th, in Lansing, Michigan, people took to the streets to protest Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s extension to her stay at home order. Some protesters held Confederate flags, swastikas and assault rifles. Later, on CNN’s State Of The Union, Governor Whitmer expressed that, although she too is unhappy with the current shelter in place orders, she believes that it is important to listen to epidemiologists and health experts when discussing the virus and reopening the state. She stated that the protest that took place at Michigan’s capital was not representative of the people of Michigan because out of a population of 10 million, “the vast majority are doing the right thing” (Governor Whitmer). Clearly, the governor is not in support of these types of protests and is not going to give in to these people’s opinions about her stay at home order without approval from health care workers.

President Donald Trump has left many Americans confused after backing federal guidelines that leave decisions about coronavirus restrictions up to the governors, but also publicly supporting protests against Democratic Governors’ decisions. Trump tweeted on Friday, the day after the protest in Michigan that Governor Whitmer “should give a little, and put out the fire”. Trump argued that “these are very good people, but they are angry” and that “they want their lives back again, safely.” He urged Governor Whitmer to “make a deal” with armed protesters who displayed symbols of racism and antisemitism. By telling Governor Whitmer to compromise with these protesters, Trump condoned their discrimination.

Overall, protests have been taking place all around America to show disapproval for the shutdowns that have been necessary because of coronavirus. President Trump has sent conflicting messages about his federal coronavirus guidelines, ones that let governors decide what is necessary for their state during this health crisis, by showing public support for protesters. 




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