Ask Red: LREI Advice Column 2/26/20

How many slices of cheese and turkey can fit in one sandwich?

While the usual number of cheese and turkey slices in a turkey sandwich is 1-3, it is entirely possible to fit upwards of 50 slices of each. If you want to fit more, I would recommend using larger bread. – Red

I have a crush on someone in our skl, he’s in the grade above me, but I am pretty sure he does not even know I exist, but I’m too shy to go up to him and talk to him, what do I do.

If you’re too shy to talk to him, try doing things that he’ll remember you for. This could be anything from being more energetic around him, to public performances. No matter what you do, however, the best thing to get him to notice and remember you would be going up and talking to him. – Red


My friend’s breath stinks so much! I think she might be pregnant… what should I do?

Having bad breath is not a definitive sign of pregnancy. If your friend’s breath is really getting on your nerves, try subtly offering her mints or gum. If you want to be more direct, you can also just tell her that her breath is bothering you. – Red


I think I’m a lesbian but I don’t know.

High school is a time for self-discovery. It is completely normal to question one’s sexuality and most if not all the people in our community experience similar feelings. It is not something that you should dread on or work yourself up over. However, if you are bothered by your experience or feel upset or confused. I recommend you talk to someone about it if you are comfortable. – Red


I feel like life is just falling apart and crashing down right in front of my eyes, and I can’t do anything about it and I am so tired of it. Idk what to do anymore, so IDK what to do, I try to talk to people, but they all say the same thing. So I’m just alone now.

It’s important to remember that everyone gets down from time to time. Although you feel like you are alone right now there are always people that you can talk to. I know this is information you have probably heard before and I’m not sure how much help it will be. I wish that there was a quick and simple fix to the experiences and emotions you are feeling but unfortunately there is not. I can assure you however that there are resources and people that are here for you. I know it might not look like it right now but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Good luck, Red





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