Q: I am worried that my friend doesn’t like me anymore because she hasn’t hung out with me in so long. I’ve asked her and she said she would get back to me and never did. Then I saw her hanging out with another one of my friends instead. Maybe I’ve changed for the worse or something. She’s one my favorite people, I adore her.

A: I know from experience that it can really suck when it feels like you and a friend are growing apart from a friendship that you really value. This might not be what is happening in your case.She might have just been busy and had a lot going on recently. However, if you really are growing apart, you will get through this. I have grown apart from many friendships, and every time, I find a new amazing group of friends not to long after. Right now I have the most amazing friends, and I am so lucky to have them. I probably wouldn’t have been friends with them if I hadn’t grown apart from previous friends. High school is a great time for building new friendships that you might never expect.

Hope I could help 🙂



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