Q: How do I become friends with somebody I confessed my feelings to in the past, without them thinking that I still have feelings for them? A: I think that the best way to become friends with someone you had feelings for is to just...
Q: I am worried that my friend doesn’t like me anymore because she hasn’t hung out with me in so long. I’ve asked her and she said she would get back to me and never did. Then I saw her hanging out with another one of my friends instead. Maybe I’ve changed for the worse or something. She’s one my favorite people, I adore her. A: I know from experience that it can really suck when it feels like you and a friend are...
Freshmen and Sophomores, Here’s What You Should Do Now By Shay Embler I know that the college process seems like ages away, and I am not writing this...
UN Report on Global Warming Requires Action Now! A recent UN report states that urgent action must be taken to prevent climate change, or else the world...
Andrew Cuomo: Corrupt, Complicated, and Controversial By Bay Dotson The office of the Governor of New York has often been referred to as the “second...
The New Shake Shack!! By: Miles Friedman and Harvey Van Blerkom On September 18th, 2018, Shake Shack opened their first innovation kitchen just up...
David Wojnarowicz at the Whitney By: Hannah Bernstein LREI students have the absolute privilege of living in New York City; a city that...