Q: There’s this guy that keeps staring at me, and it’s making me kind of uncomfortable. How can I tell him to stop without sounding harsh or seeming petulant?

A: First of all, if this person is making you feel unsafe, you should consult in an adult.

But if it’s just that his staring makes you a little uncomfortable, you should just be sure it’s you that he’s staring at and it’s not just him staring blankly at nothing. If you are sure he’s staring at you and it’s making you a little uncomfortable maybe just try to start a conversation with him and tell him that you have noticed him staring/looking at you and that it makes you a little uncomfortable.  I wish there was more advice I could give you on this but unfortunately I can’t. Of course this conversation could be very awkward. You could also give it a little time and see if he stops. Don’t feel obligated to follow my advice if you are uncomfortable doing this or don’t think the outcome will be good. Only you can really read the situation.

Hope I could help 🙂


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